Dear Carol,

Help me! Ted is mad because I didn't answer when he sent me

E-mail letters. Now I am always afraid to write him, because

if I said the wrong thing, it might make him even madder.

You always know best, Carol! What to do?


Dear Bob,

Yes, I could write a book about a guy like Ted.

I don't blame you for not wanting to lose him as a friend.

I find myself lusting after him even now.

(Not that you would lust after him the way I do, but you

know what I mean.) And it's not that I don't like you, too,

Bob. It's just that I like you in a different way. I like you

like a sibling, the way your girlfriends always do. (I mean,

besides the one you met at that cattle mutulation.) What you have

to understand is---Ted is jealous of you. And this is what irks him:

Ted knows about that one time--

that time I went out on a date with you.


Click HERE if you want to find out about

Bob and Carol's only date.

Or click HERE to continue with an "Ode to Ted."