What Happens When Candidates

Have Too Much Free Time…

This little vignette takes place after a group of Candidates built a massive snowsculpture in the Central Bowl. They had a great deal of fun, but ended up very, very cold. It was during this time the inevitable attempts at Philosophy occurred and too much klah was drunk.

In addition, our tale contains conversations that with others might have gotten a touch strained.


Kharty follows Jaynelle, pushing the little skin back in her pocket.

Sandar examines the snowscape. "Hey... that's really nice."

Aurian heads after Jaynelle really quick.

You walk south.

Southern Bowl(#396RJL$)

Towering above, the bowl wall rises in a curving three pointed arc as it shelters this southernmost point of Telgar Weyr's great cauldera. Sloping down to the north to a slight degree, the floor of the bowl channeled so that runoff might drain down to the lake beyond. There are several strategically placed evergreens that serve to baffle the biting mountain winds away from the southern entrance into the living Caverns. Drifts of snow and the heavy tracks of large dragon feet and bellies cross the expanse of the bowl. Rocks and crags are hung with the purest white. Northward, the center of the bowl spreads hugely, leading to the feeding pens, hatching grounds, weyrling barracks and the Telgar Weyr lake. The ground-level weyrs of the junior weyrwomen dot the mountain to the northwest. Use '+view queenriders' to view them. The bowl is

quiet in the depth of night.

The skies above you are clear and crisp, and there is not a cloud to be seen.



Obvious exits:

Living Cavern Central Bowl Weyrleaders' Complex Outer Infirmary Guest Weyr Records Room

You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.

Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern(#750RJM$)

This huge cavern is sufficently roomy to hold a large portion of the Weyr's population without feeling cramped. There's always a bustle of activity here. Fragrant dishes are constantly in prepartion for mealtimes: currently for the late meal. Drudges are always present, either cleaning under Pierron's watchful eye, or helping fetch and carry. A myriad of glowbaskets and many ever-lit hearths make the cavern warm and inviting despite its size. The scents of cooking meats, baking breads and pastries, and the pungent aroma of spices hang mouthwateringly in the air. It is little wonder that those seeking to relax nearly always find their way here to do it. Branches of evergreens and glistening winter berries are ornaments of the season.

A short tunnel jaunts northward out to the bowl and the merry sounds of

cooking, chores, and laughter echo from the kitchen at the southeast end of the cavern near the easterly passage to the rest of the lower caverns. Within the lower caverns is an entrance to the infirmary weyr to care for injured dragons and riders.




Obvious exits:

Lower Caverns Kitchen Bowl

Jaynelle smiles as Aurian walks in "Hey got it all poured."

Neliea walks in from the bowl.

Aurian reaches out for the klah with a grin full of eagerness, "Ahhhhh, sweet substance of life." She takes a long gulp from the mug she takes.

Jaynelle grins back "I agree!" is said with emphasis as she reaches for a sip herself. "I also get some meatrolls, rolls, and even a few bubblies from the kitchen"

Neliea quickly steps in, removing her mittens and makes a path for the klah. Waving, "Hi!

Jaynelle holds out the Klah for Neliea "Food and klah here"

Aurian bows to Jaynelle, "Thank you Lady Jaynelle, you are all that is wise and noble." She grins wickedly.

Sandar walks in from the bowl.

Kharty walks in from the bowl.

Sandar wanders on in with Kharty. "Well, here we are," he grins. "Gotta love warmth. Especially in the form of klah." He heads over to the pot.

Jaynelle holds out some klah for Kharty and Sandar as they arive...one in the left hand and one mug in the right.

Sandar oohs! as he veers toward Jaynelle. "Beat me to it," he laughs as he accepts one of the mugs. "Thanks."

Jaynelle grins back at Aurian after finding time to sqeeze in a sip for herself "I'm not wise, just fast" she says with a winnk.

Neliea giggles as she sips on her mug of klah and reaches over for a plate of meatrolls.

Kharty stomps her snowy boots on the floor a few times then reaches down and tugs them off. "Be right there, Jaynelle.. don't let Sandar drink it all, would you?" With a grin, she gets her boots off and tosses them into a corner. Padding over to the group, she reaches for the klah. "Thanks!"

Aurian laughs, "As you wish Lady Jaynelle." She grins taking a long swallow of the klah.

Sandar smirks as he takes another gulp. He's already halfway done with his mug. He hey!s at Kharty.

Jaynelle gets some food, carefully arranging it on her plate, and walks over to the candidate's table.

Aurian finishes her mug of klah, having now completely drained it. She then refills the mug, placing it down before peering over the selection of pies and rolls.

Kharty holds up her mug to Sandar, "To the hatching!" she grins, "and to Telgar!"

Neliea crosses over to the table following the group, carefully balancing her plate and mug. Sitting, she sighs and grins, holding up her mug. "Here, here!"

Sandar yawns, then tries to cover it up with his hand.

Sandar holds his mug up and cheers with Kharty. "To both those things," he agrees.

Jaynelle nibbles on her meatroll and sips klah as she watches quietly.

Sandar smiles at the girls, and his eyes twinkle under the dim light. "To adventures past, and adventures in the future."

Aurian returns to drop into her seat holding a plate of rolls, "And let us not forget Jaynelle, for haveing the klah ready when we came in." She grins reaching to raise her klah up.

Kharty clinks all the mugs then lowers it to her lips and drains it in one long sip. "Ahhh..", she smiles, wiping her lips off with her hand. "Have you all finished chores for the day? All ready to relax for a while?"

Sandar nods to Kharty. "You bet."

"I'm done and ready to do something relaxing, other than sleep." Aurian smiles and picks up a meatroll.

Neliea sips her klah and smiles. "Relax? Are we even allowed to do that

Khatry," she amusedly asks and winks at her.

Sandar snickers.

Kharty grins, then looks as if she's thinking. After a brief moment, she looks at her fellow candidates. "You know what I wonder? I know it's silly but.."

Sandar leans over to listen to what Kharty has to say.

Jaynelle looks up at Kharty with a sip of klah "What Kharty?"

Aurian waits for Kharty to finish her statement.

Neliea pauses and looks at Kharty over the rim of her mug, waiting.

Kharty wrinkles her lips, thinking a moment, then asks, "Why do you think dragons are the color they are? I mean, why 'green'? Colors are so meaningful in Pern. I just was wondering that before I went to sleep last night."

Sandar hmms.

Jaynelle looks over the table at Kharty with a rather thoughtful expression "I don't know. You know what I always wondered about: greens and golds are girls, blues, browns and bronzes are boys.... kinda strange huh"

Sandar laughs.

Kharty nods to Jaynelle. "Exactly.."

Aurian hmmmms, "Would you like know what I think?"

Sandar says "well... I've never wondered why I'm sort of a tannish color."

Kharty nods to Aurian. "Sure! What's that?"

Jaynelle looks over to Aurian.

Neliea blinks, thoughtful about that and smiles. "I'll agree with that. I never thought about that and what Aurian?"

Aurian clears her throat in an almost officious manner, "We need to ask a dragonrider."

Kharty settles down into a chair, tipping it back slightly, rocking back and forth as she listens and thinks. "Good idea! I wonder if any are around?"

Jaynelle looks around looking rather curious.

Sandar grins, and loves harrassing dragonriders with steady streams of


At these comments, about thirty grown riders make their escape from the cavern. They are not Weyrlingmasters, this is not their job.

Neliea chuckles quietly over her mug, glancing anywhere but at the riders. "Did we say something?"

Sandar hmms. "Oh well," he laughs.

Kharty laughs to herself as the riders make a hasty retreat. "Well, greens are very good at making turns, right? And are quick, right? Kinda like grass in a field with the winds blowing over it. Lithe and supple.. like greens.." Sending the group a lopsided grin, she asks quietly, "Am I odd or what?"

Aurian nibbles at her meatroll as she nods in agreement with Kharty.

Jaynelle grins back at Kharty "I like that one. Ok, lets do another."

Neliea smiles at Kharty. "Not really odd. Poetic?"

Sandar hmms. "Yes, you're odd," he agrees. "But you do have a point. And browns are sturdy and solid, like rocks. Brown rocks maybe."

Jaynelle belatedly sighs as she looks out the exits "Why do you think they all left?" She asks with a really big grin "Hey, at least we are alone"

Jaynelle laughs "No wood, most wood is brown. It is solid, strong, much can even bend some in the wind, but not as flexible as grass... browns are wood. Blue?"

Sandar says "water?"

Neliea says "Air or sky?"

Sandar says "one of my eyes?"

Kharty hops up a little in her chair, hearing Sandar's color matching. "Yes! THat's exactly what I mean! Or wood.. yes!" She leans forward a little, excited. To Neliea, she grins, "But how does that fit in with their individual traits? That's what I was trying to match up last night.."

Sandar shrugs a little.

"Bronze's are bold?" Aurian looks a bit thrown off by this game, she's a healer, shard it, not a harper.

Neliea peers at Sandar, "Um, not exactly?" To Kharty, "Well, they're small just like greens and just was fast like a breeze or even a strong wind."

Jaynelle chuckles some "Aren't others bold though? You know, you might have a point there Neliea"

Kharty thinks hard while she plays with the empty mug of klah. Her eyes lift to Neliea and she nods. "I'd say that as well."

Sandar grins.

Neliea looks at Jaynelle, "Really? I just thought of anything and I remember the skies at home looking just like some shades of the blues here."

Jaynelle looks up slightly "Well, it does make sense. It isn't as if any of the riders will talk to us tonight. Sometimes I wonder if many of the riders think we carry the plague" She says with a slight grin for the outside.

Sandar nods solemnly, though he too is smirking a bit.

Kharty giggles a little, then discloses, "When I was next to Maylia's dragon, I sure felt her head was up in the sky somewhere.. I felt so small next to her."

Jaynelle's chuckle is slowly building into a laugh "Funny what grown men and women are afraid of" She looks around the other and overacts "little old us. As dangerous as a hatchling firelizard"

Aurian nods as she finishes her second mugfull of klah, "Like that one at the meeting, who kept telling us that if we Impressed we were all going to die." She pops to her feet and heads to the pitchers, "Couldn't say it there, but people die everyday. Riders and those who've never even sat on a dragon."

Sandar hmms thoughtfully at Aurian's comment, the conversations from that night having invoked much deep pondering from the lad.

Neliea nods to Aurian, slowly commenting, "But it did put a different

perspective on why we're here though."

Sandar nods. "That's for sure."

Kharty rotates her empty mug thoughtfully on the surface of the table.

"Sometimes I dream of what it'd be like to sit there on a dragon and fly. I mean, I've ridden dragons before, but to be the /one/ .."

Aurian tilts her head to Neliea, "Did it, or did he just remind us of what we know." She fills her glass, "Did it ever occur to you that we pull so many pranks, becuase we know already." She sips at the klah.

Jaynelle nods to Aurian's comment "Riders do tend to be in more danger than the average pernese, but so are sailors." She thoughtfully sips on some more klah "I don't think he realized that, but others have. There are nice people here as well."

"And healers get to watch the consequences of it all," Aurian takes her seat at the Candidate's table again.

Neliea nods to Aurian again, "I have but, we all hear what it means to be a rider, right? And maybe we pull pranks because of it. Overall, it really makes you realize that you might be out there soon. If you impress that is." Sipping on her klah she adds, "And to hear it from another rider makes it that much more though provoking."

Jaynelle starts nibbling on a bubbly as she pours herself a second mug of klah "I don't know. I have been fortunate enough not to see many really bad accidents. I did see a bad one in the mill about three turns ago. I was down there playing and someone got sawed when he sliped" she shivers at that memory. She nods as Neliea speaks "I do wonder though"

Aurian shakes her head a bit, "I stood at Fort, most of you know this, one of my friends who Impressed lost her dragon barely into the weyrlinghood. I don't need the reminder." She smiles sorrowfully, "Sorry for bringing the party down."

Kharty gazes out into the room, almost as if talking to herself, looking to no one specifically. "To feel those powerful muscles under you and somehow 'know' what the other is thinking.." her voice lowers a little as she looks at the mug, as if not really seeing it, "And cutting the air, up and down on currents, twisting and snapping about, dodging thread.."

Jaynelle looks thoughtfully into her klah "I admit, I can't really imagine knowing another so well you can read eachother's thoughts. Aurian, what happened to your friend?"

Neliea wraps her hands around her mug, listening quietly and settling deeper into her seat.

Aurian shakes her head, "I don't know what happened exactly, the dragon jumped at the wrong moment during flight training and injured his wings horribly, the pain was enough to send him between without his rider. She went into her weyrmate's weyr and never came out." She sips at her klah silently.

Kharty shakes her head slowly, the images bright in her mind. The meeting of last night has certainly got her thinking. Her musings continue, "I remember once watching Maylia on Tierth's back. There was the oddest expression on her face. Maybe bliss.. In a way, she didn't even seem like the girl I knew."

Jaynelle sips her klah, her face rather vacant "I wonder.... is it really worth it? When I came here, I thought it would be really cool to have a lifemate and protect forests and people. I still would like to do something to protect the forests, but I don't know......"

Jorenan walks here from the Inner Cavern.

"As I've said, I know what thread score is like and I've seen enough to know, that if it needs doing," Aurian takes a long swallow, "I might as well be one of the ones to do it."

Jorenan wanders in and nods to those who are here. "Hullo," he says quietly. As always, he goes over and stirs the evening's soup before he goes to get a mug of klah.

Aurian grins at the others, "Not that it doesn't scare me."

Jaynelle waves to Jorenan

Neliea thoughtfully considers this and muses, "It's worth it in my opinion. I mean you get to protect others and maybe it's not too much to ask that we put our lives on risk for them." She looks up and over at Jorenan and waves.

Jaynelle nods briefly "True, you are probably right Neliea. I just wish I could even imagine having a lifemate though." She shakes her head "I can't even really imagine it. It can't be like firelizards"

Jorenan joins the Candidates who are talking amongst themselves. He starts to say something, and then stops. He grins and says, "Every set of Candidates says the same things, you know that? And it's always true."

Jaynelle looks up at Jorenan "Hi. I'm Jayne, Jaynelle. Do you know the others here?"

Jorenan grins. "I've seen all of you at one time or another, at least. I don't know if we've been formally introduced or anything. I'm Jorenan, assistant Weyrbaker."

Kharty looks at Jorenan still with a somewhat misty look in her eyes, like one daydreaming. "I'd do it for Pern. I'd.. well, be afraid, but then being afraid is something I know about. When I left home, I was afraid, but it brought me here." For the first time, she grins, "Maybe people at times are afraid to be afraid."

Aurian glances over to Kharty at that last point, "That's rather nicly put."

Neliea smiles at Jorenan, still with a thoughtful look in her eyes. "Hello. I'm Neliea and I must have seen you on kitchen duty at some point, maybe." She glances back at Kharty, "I agree."

Jorenan has to grin. He says, "You all look about a million lengths away, riding cloud-dragons."

Jaynelle looks over at Neliea and nods "Yes, she does"

Kharty hears the comments as her eyes scan the table top. "If I didn't know better, I'd think I had too much wine. I really don't think it's bad to be afraid. Sometimes it has gotten me to do things I didn't think I could. Know what I mean?"

Aurian leans over with a laugh and hugs Kharty, "Relax."

Kharty sends a totally warm smile to Aurian. "Oh, I'm fine. I think it was just those dreams I had about riding dragons, fighting thread, and," she clears her throat and grins, "other things."

R'val walks in from the bowl.

Neliea warmly smiles at Kharty, "Some might think that we all had too much wine. We actually think?" She smiles and points out an unnamed riders comment from the lecture.

R'val ambles in, tugging off his gloves and helmet, "Good evenin'..."

Jorenan turns his klah mug in his hands. He looks uncomfortable, as if perhaps he'd joined a party without asking.

Jaynelle nods briefly at the comments, then returns to her klah.

Neliea glances over at R'van and nods, turning back to her mug.

R'val sits near the group, after getting himself a mug of klah.

Kharty reaches over and pats Jorenan's hand lightly. "Don't mind us. I think the weight of the upcoming hatching is getting to us." Her smile suggests it's back to business as usual. "More klah anyon.. Oh! Heyla, R'val!"

R'val grins brightly at Kharty, "How goes?"

Jaynelle takes a deep breath and nods "Really, Kharty is right, we are rather stressed and excited all at the same time"

Aurian chuckles, "Emphasis on the words stressed and excited."

"Oh, it goes, R'val. We were just talking about dragons, and fighting thread, and riding and being afraid and.. well, all that!"

R'val smiles, "Ah. The sort of things candidates' minds turn to around Hatching time..."

Jorenan grins at Kharty and finally says, "I'm sorry, I just realized you all probably really wanted to talk about it." He shrugs. "Last time I was around Candidates, I was one. It's weird to be so aware that I'm just going to continue cooking roast wherry. Nice, but weird."

Jaynelle smiles at Jorenan "I'm glad you came over. How about sitting down and joining us with some klah. We welcome company that doesn't yell at us"

R'val kicks his heels up and grins, "Does that Mean I'm ok?"

Neliea glances over at Jorenan, "You were a candidate here?" She smiles, "Yell, or assign chores to us."

Aurian rakes her hands through her close cropped hair, she examines the various items on her plate.

Kharty has to laugh at Jaynelle. "I'd agree there. Smiles are welcome at this table, Jorenan, that's for sure!"

Jorenan chuckles. "I won't yell at you so long's you don't make too much of a mess of the kitchen." He shakes his head. "Benden and Ista Searched me," he says. "I've been hiding since the Telgar dragons started looking. I think they've missed me this time."

Kharty teases R'val, "I'm not sure that's what that means, R'val. In your case....," she giggles as she gives him a playful poke and never finishes her sentence, leaving the outcome to his musings.

R'val pouts at Kharty, and then pokes her, grinning, 'Impertinent candidate."

D'thon walks in from the bowl.

R'val spots D'thon and waves, "Hey, D'thon!"

Jaynelle laughs and smiles back at R'val "Aren't we all?"

D'thon steps into the cavern, a quick nod transpiring. "Evenin'," he replies quietly.

Neliea grins at Jaynelle and nods to D'thon. "Evening sir."

R'val winks at Jaynelle, "True, most of you certainly are."

Jaynelle nibbles on her bubbly.

D'thon, for some reason, bypasses the usual klah on this day, padding over to a seat. His appearance is mildly philosophical.

Aurian picks up a bubbly she's been neglecting and starts to nibble silently.

Neliea remembers her meatrolls, and reaches for one nibbling and glancing into her mug.

Kharty appraises D'thon's appearance, then blurts out a question to him. "Sir? Were you ever afraid?" Maybe he'll think she's gone over the side of the weyr somewhere and lost her common sense, but she's still thinking of their conversation of tonite and last night's meeting. "I mean, afraid to fly, fight thread and maybe die?"

Jaynelle suddenly seems to be paying attention as Kharty speaks.

R'val glances at Kharty thoughtfully.

Aurian's jaw just drops at Kharty's boldness, somehow this was not how she envisioned the girl asking the question this way.

Neliea glances over upwards at Khatry's question, looking more attentive than she was a moment ago.

Jaynelle hides a smile in sipping of the klah and looks over for the rider's reaction.

Jorenan finishes his klah and stands up. "I've got to sleep," he says quietly. "Good night." He gives D'thon a grin. "Good luck with the questions," he says on his way out.

Jorenan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Kharty waits for the answer to her question, her expression serious. Her hand twirls her empty mug as she thinks about the hatching. 'He thinks I'm crazy, I know, but I just had to ask, I guess..' she thinks to herself.

Jaynelle gives Kharty a small smile from the other side of her mug as she too waits for the response.

Maylia walks in from the bowl.

R'val looks towards the entrance, spots Maylia, and waves with a smile.

Aurian waves as she sees Maylia. Her eyes however drift back to D'thon waiting to hear the response as well.

Maylia ambles into the living cavern, riding jacket snugged close 'round her, and heads for the pot of cider simmering on the hearth. Hot drink. Very necessary.

D'thon shrugs. "Mostly I was confused more than afraid." This with a slight smile. "Perhaps too confused to be afraid."

Aurian tilts her head back against the chair as she listens.

Kharty looks a little confused by D'thon's remark herself. "Confused about what?" She's interested now, very much so. She didn't expect that answer.

R'val glances from D'thon to Kharty, sipping his klah as he listens.

Jaynelle blinks from behind her mug.

D'thon grins. "Confused in general, I suppose. A 'Now what?' sort of feeling."

Neliea listens to D'thon's answer and keeps her hands firmly wraped around her mug.

R'val chuckles, nodding at D"thon, 'I think most of us felt that, D'thon. It's only natural!"

Kharty sends a grin back. "I feel like that sometimes too. I guess you get used to the dragons being so big. Oh!" realization hits her. "I bet it's easier when you have them from little as they grow. You get used to them being big."

R'val grins at Kharty, "You'd be surprised how shocking it is to watch your dragon grow. it shocks even you, the rider."

Jaynelle nods briefly behind her klah "So they grow so fast you are left confused? How about when you first fly together. What is that like sirs?"

R'val smiles beatifically, "Undescribable, Jaynelle. It's a truly exquisite feeling to fly with your dragon."

D'thon grins. "Hard to describe, I'd say. You'd have to feel it yourself to know."

Aurian mouthes to the other girls, 'just don't ask that question, they never have a good answer'.

Jaynelle looks to Aurian, rolls her eyes and nods "I should have known" is added with the shake of a head.

Jaynelle says "When did you know you were going to find a lifemate onthe sands?"

Aurian chuckles a bit smugly.

R'val wrinkles his nose at Aurian, grinning, "Just you wait till YOU try and explain it to some candidate!"

Neliea smiles and glances at Aurian, making a note of that although she knows that. She chuckles as she listens.

Aurian wrinkles her nose back, "I think a hatchling needs to make a decision before that happens." She glances at the riders held captive, "Either of you stand before Impressing at Benden?"

Jaynelle chuckles into her klah

Maylia waves off the help of a candidate on serving duty, and wraps her hands round the hot mug of cider. That done, the greenrider heads towards the small group chatting.

D'thon nods. "Actually, yes." Nothing else is said.

Kharty hesitates then with a quiet voice, asks Maylia, "You've been afraid to be a rider, Maylia? I think our meeting last night really got us thinking."

R'val shakes his head, "I Impressed the first time I stood, at Benden."

Aurian just gives a slight nod, something a little more akin to hope entering her eyes. She then stretches as she thinks silently.

Maylia drops herself into a seat, wincing a little at the impact. An odd look is aimed towards her cousin, and she nods, slowly. "Aye, I was frightened. But it's not like you're out there alone."

R'val sips his klah, noting, "But many who are now riders didn't Impress their first time..."

Maylia nods to R'val, noting, "Melina stood twice before Benden, didn't she?"

Kharty nods to Maylia. "I was telling them of the time I was standing under Tierth. I felt so small. In a way it was a little frightening.. thinking of riding and fighting with a dragon to help."

Jaynelle looks over the table "I am excited more than scared about the


R'val hrms at Maylia, "I'm not sure, really.."

Aurian tilts her head, "At Fort I wasn't scared of the hatching, just hot and hotter. Welll and very excited."

R'val smiles at Aurian, "Whatever else a Hatching is, it's exciting.'

Jaynelle grins "I bet we are going to be glad that this hatching will happen in winter.

Neliea agrees and nods, "I guess that I'm just curious at what it'd be like." A slight yawn escapes as she tries to stifle it behind one hand. "I better turn in before I fall into my klah," she says to no oe in particular.

Apparently Maylia's become either resigned or at least accepting of the

presence of her cousin in the lower caverns, and she nods - if not quite amiably, she's at least trying. To those speculating on fear at the hatching, she just shrugs. "Nothing really to be afraid of at the hatching, just so long as you stay out of the way of the hatchlings." Sure. Nothing but a major life change, that's all.

D'thon nods sagely. "True."

Neliea stands, quietly crossing the room and making her way towards the inner caverns.

Neliea walks towards the inner cavern.

Jaynelle looks over "Yes, a very major life change, even for those who do not find lifemates"

R'val smiles at Jaynelle, "True..."

Aurian hops out of her seat as she walks to the pitchers, "Not for all

Jaynelle. Some of us go back." her hand wrapped about her mug as she refills it slowly.

Kharty watches Aurian then asks a little apprehensively. "Have you thought what you'd do, Aurian, if your lifemate wasn't on the sands? Would you go back to Healer Hall?"

Maylia looks over to Kharty, a rather confused look to her face. "Tierth sure did take a likeing to you." She muses, perhaps too softly to be heard. But Aurian's comment catches her attention. "Really? You mean nothing changed at all for you when you returned to the Hall from Fort? I know Standing sure changed Makear's life."

Jaynelle nods with a smile back to Aurian "I know." she looks out "I think it will change you some when you return." She looks back at Aurian "I think I will go back too"

Kharty wonders, "Go back where, Jaynelle? Where did you come from?"

Aurian nods at Kharty, "Back to the hall." She pauses at Maylia's comment and glances down as she thinks through the time that she has been through at Fort and since coming here, "I don't think I changed, I was back on the same insane schedule when I returned, bad klah and bad food and very little sleep." She lowers the pitcher thinking in silence again.

R'val smiles "Maybe it changes some people, and not others, hm?"

Jaynelle laughs "I've been here the whole time. I just haven't asked too many questions"

Jaynelle shrugs "I think I've been changed some. I'm less, well, carefree now"

Maylia watches her old friend from Healer Hall carefully, head cocked to one side as she considers Aurian's reply. She shakes her head slowly. "I can think of some who'd say you changed, at least a little." Perhaps she's among those 'some'.

"I don't know, I was envious and happy and hurt all at the same time

immediately after." Aurian moves back to her seat, she glances back at Maylia with a measuring look in her grey green eyes.

Jaynelle nods "I have no idea how i will feel, either way"

Maylia nods again slowly. "And didn't that change you in the long run?" It's not that she means to be mean, drawing up old events, she's just trying to prove a point. "Didn't it make you feel more -you-? More anything?"

Jaynelle looks at the others, remaining quiet

With one word Aurian answers Maylia, "Older."

Maylia makes a face at Aurian's reply. "Older? how?" Seems that the candidates interrogation of riders has turned tables on them.

"How, as in, in what way did you feel older?" Maylia specifies.

Jaynelle yawns "I think I should go to bed now. Goodnight everyone" She smiles back at everyone "I will talk to you later"

Jaynelle walks towards the inner cavern.

"Maylia," Suddenly feeling as if she was slammed right back into the why did you want to become a healer conversation she first had with this greenrider she now faces, Aurian continues, "I went through virtually every emotion I could possibly have in the span of a few hours, I was exausted. I found myself taking things with a grain of salt, found myself growing bitter and pessamistic. I went right back to healer and began avoiding people, I was becoming someone I didn't like."

Maylia impulsively reaches out to Aurian, brows furrowed. There's nothing really to say, after all, and she's silent for a few moments. "I didn't see you often then. But -I- like you, now." She finally says.

And Maylia continues, after taking a breath. "And I liked you before. Everyone goes through hard times." A glance is shot towards the bowl - every time a certain green out there glows this greenrider's not overly popular either, and usually regrets half her actions.

Kharty smiles and nods. "I like you too..", her affirmation sent to Aurian, but could be meant for Maylia as she was looking right at her when she said it.

R'val sips his klah. He likes everyone, but he ain't gonna say it.

Aurian chuckles, "Ahhhh Maylia, you got me when I was straightened out, the watchrider may have nearly gotten me killed, but I think I needed it at that time." She hugs her friend tightly.

Maylia returns the hug with interest, smiling, and one might not necesarilly be imagining things if one thought some of that smile was directed towards her cousin.

D'thon remains silent, somewhat contemplative. At length, he rises to obtain the usual mug of klah.

M'kla walks in from the bowl.

M'kla saunters in rather late.

Maylia sighs, leaning back in her seat for a moment before taking a long sip of her cider. "So. What d'you think of Telgar, now you've been here a bit?" She directs the question at both candidates nearby, but perhaps a bit more towards Kharty. This is c onfirmed as she nods towards her cousin. "Think your da'd have a fit?"

Kharty takes in a deep breath as she picks at a spot in the wood of the table that's frayed somewhat. In a reflective voice, she answers, "I hear Da already did. He's told the family that if anyone helps me they'll be run out of the cot."

Aurian rubs at an eye rather swiftly before anyone can say anying to her about it, she answers the question, "Well I was never allowed near the Weyr when I was growing up at the hold." Her head leaning back against her chair, "All in all its been rather nice and every bit as Sharding cold as I remember."

Maylia interrupts her serious look towards her cousin with a smile, directed at Aurian. As her attention returns to Kharty, she murmurs somehting low. "But you've got family here, who don't care what he thinks." So quietly, perhaps she didn't mean it to be heard.

R'val stands, waving as he wanders out.

R'val walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Aurian sips at the forgotten mug of klah, she sighs as she tastes the coldness of it.

Kharty gathers up her things and sends what looks like a smile back to Maylia. "See you all tomorrow. I'm tired!" A few steps get her to the door, and she looks back, almost giggling. "G'nite, cousin! and thanks!" She says this and leaves quickly, so Maylia can't answer her.

Kharty walks towards the inner cavern.

Maylia takes another long sip of her cider, inhaling the spices. "Do you miss the Hall, Aurian?" She asks, curiously, after nodding to Kharty as she left.

D'thon sits back, looking slightly distanced from the conversation, and sips on his klah.

"The actual hall, no." Aurian smiles whistfully, "I miss my friends, and a large portion of them have been scattered across Pern, thanks to posting." She tilts her head, "I'd be testing probably for Journeyman at this point so, I'd be sent who knows where as well. I've basically reached all the knowledge I actually can at the hall. it would have been time to head out sooner than I thought."

Maylia smiles to Aurian, nodding, with a rather amazed look on her face. "Journeyman." She says. "How long'd you been at the Hall when I arrived?"

Aurian thinks back, "I don't know, I was still a junior apprentice at that time, when I got back from Fort the Senior knot was waiting for me," She chews on her bottom lip, "I must have been there at least a turn, little more little less."

D'thon stands, having finished his klah, and heads out silently. "Clear skies," he offers to those remaining.

D'thon walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Maylia nods, still thinking seriously. "I always thought of myself as a junior. Tho I guess, I'd be at least a senior apprentice if I were still there." She seems to be musing, wondering what her life would've been like had she not met a certain grassy green dragon hatchling.

With a snort, Aurian speaks, "You would have been a Journeyman and you know it, " She grins, "You were always better at studying than I was."

Maylia sends a gentle smile out towards the bowl - there can be no doubt about how she feels about her station in life, now. "Well, whatever happens when those eggs start rocking, you'll return to a different life, then." She states.

"Well we'll have to see what happens," She smiles at that, "It should be interesting what ever does happen, " Aurian chuckles lightly.

Maylia nods eagerly. Seems perhaps the newly-named assistant weyrlingmaster is looking forward to the Hatching as much as the candidates, and with good reason. "Interresting, t say the least."

Aurian rakes her fingers through her hair, she chuckles again, "Weird evening."

Aurian takes another sip of her klah and can only frown at the cold beverage.

The Dragonriders of Pern © 1967 Anne McCaffery

All Characters ©1998 Their players