The Ulster Unionist Party supports the maintenance of Northern Ireland's position as an integral part of the United Kingdom.

We uphold the right of the people of Northern Ireland to self-determination based upon the democratic requirement for the consent of the majority of the people of Northern Ireland to any constitutional change.

In furtherance of the principle of consent the Ulster Unionist Party requires the immediate unilateral withdrawal of the Irish Republic's territorial claim over Northern Ireland as contained in Articles 2 and 3 of their constitution. This territorial claim is both immoral and is in contravention of International Law including the UN Charter and the Treaty of Rome.

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The Ulster Unionist Party supports the concept of a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland.

We stand firmly against the use of violence for political purposes and urge all terrorist organisations including the IRA to end all forms of violence, particularly the savage punishment beatings and to fully enter into the democratic process. This must also include a credible process of disarmament by all terrorist organisations.

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The Ulster Unionist Party is committed to the preservation of our countryside and the environmental protection of our cities.

We deplore the abuse of the environment by many commercial and Governmental interests and urge the development of a global strategy to tackle issues such as global warming and industrial pollution.

We owe it to future generations to preserve and conserve our natural resources and the environment in which we live.

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