© WebPage by Jilli 1997
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I relax in front of the warm glowing monitor screen and let my thoughts travel over endearing and treasured scenes, sometimes smiling gently as they touch particular phrases, laughing at remembered quips that were especially funny, lingering over kind words.   My heart softens and fills with tender feelings as I recognize established traits of yours that are more identifying to me than a photograph.

Laughter bubbles forth without reservation as I read something you're written and sent to me, the depth of your talent again amazing and surprising.

I reflect on each poem and story and ask myself if you, the authors, know or understand how each decribes and defines you so well. Not physically of course, better than that, truer than physical definition. My own portrait of you painted from the revelation of your character, spirit and personality comes to mind.

No,   I'm not referring to a child of my loins or a close family member or some magnificient lover. I am speaking of my friends, the people and writers of the Writers Club on DALnet. And I, too, am surprised at the feelings of closeness, the depth of affection and connection I have with these people.

As my mental vision paints an imaginary portrait of each of these writers and friends from what I see and feel in their writing and personalities,   I will share it with you.
