My name is Jason and I am the author of this page, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am 19 and presently residing in the USA. For a time, I was enrolled in a form of martial arts (namely, Tang Soo Do). Currently, I train on my own and have taken up several street sports, such as Biking, boarding, and blading, all of which I am relativly new at, yet I hope to learn quickly. Over the past few years, I have accumulated a number of quotes. I hope you have enjoyed them. As some of you may have already discovered, I view the world in a slightly different perspective than most. This is because of my past experiences. I have been a very sheltered as a child and many of my relationships have ended in disaster, these things have caused me to have a very dark outlook on life, yet I still maintain the belief that people are not bad, just misguided. I look at things on a darker, yet more spiritual, side. Perhaps this would make me weird in your eyes, yet that is up to you. Everyone has different beliefs and perspectives.