
He opens the window in his old Town House,
looking down he see's an empty alley.
The paint on the building is chipping away.
Stench and decay surrounds him

Suddenly he's see an orange balloon.
It flies through the air,
it seems so close he can almost touch it.
he watches the balloon as it fades away,
lost to the sky forever.

Running fast along a secluded beach,
the salty breeze seems so fresh and new
as if he were the only one to have ever felt it.

In the sand he notices a yellow rose
it has a drop of water on one of its petals.
The sun is shining brightly upon the rose.
He falls on the sand and closes his eyes.

Sitting on a haystack in a very old barn,
outside a fearsome thunderstorm rips the sky.
He hears the rain patter loudly across the tin roof.
The wood of the rafters crackles softly
from the torrential storm outside.
The smell of the hay is comforting
he is safe and dry.

Laying on a huge rock,
below a babbling brook twists past.
He finds a leaf with every color he has ever seen.
Dropping it into the water it turns into a brave ship
fighting the powers of the mighty sea.

The old man sits in his wheel chair
with a smile on his face
His body has betrayed him
but inside he is happy
for the first and last time

Death comes to him in a sweet dream
as his mind is lost
within this final beautiful imagery