Horizons Unknown

I feel like a stranger inside my head
Cold as stone and mechanically bred

Millions of sparkling stars shine at night
but by day each just goes its separate way

I followed them all when I was young
only to return to where I'd begun.

The garden was so pure and fresh
by the pristine water I would rest my head
Everything now just seems sad and overgrown

All that is still living
only aches within my bones.

Cascading prisms that fall in summer's night skies

Whatever I felt or knew to be true
was whisked away by that summer's night moon

I'm an empty vessel without any sails
A ship adrift towards horizons unknown

Everything that means anything
In time just drifts away
Where are those sweet shadows of yesterday?

We sail the tide
Ride the wave
Only to crash
Unto a barren beach someday

Footprints firmly imprinted in the sand
Until the ocean sweep them off
To distant lands

Sweet Summertime so soft and frail
Then night encloses without a care