
Somewhere there is a connection
between all of us
Everyone you know or have met
is for a reason

A small little piece to a much bigger puzzle
but every piece must be found

There is something important
you and your circle of friends
are suppose to discover

You’ve probably even come close to it
A few times...
maybe, more

Could almost touch it...
But then something dramatic
and strange always happened

The connection was suddenly
Ripped away just when the signal
was at its strongest

It’s the fear...
of the unknown
We push it away
but we have to get past, that
If we are to survive on any level

It’s all repeating itself
But it’s not always the same
The pain becomes worse
with each new cycle

Till we get it right

I think, this is our last chance
The signal is becoming so strong
It’s almost killing us all

Ride it...
Embrace it

In the darkness, lies the key
To future worlds and better scenes