The Bird

It was very cold
but I still stopped to watch a stray cat
devouring a small bird

The bird’s wings flared and fanned
Flashing the most dazzling breathtakingly glorious colors
I felt the bird’s pain in a truly sensual way

His small body twisting and flopping on the ground
like it was pleading for something, anything to relieve it’s agony
But neither nature nor I had any intention of intervening
We were simply there to observe

The cat pawed the small creature
playfully across the sidewalk

I just sighed and thought how the cat
reminded me of god toward man
taunting and humiliating him before the kill

The cat finally put the live bird in his mouth
and strutted proudly away

Somewhere I’m sure some Devine source
was truly captivated by this delightfully gruesome scene

And I felt more in touch
with that spiritual side of me