August 8, 1990


Prod. #78701 - One-Hour Pilot

Joel Fleischman is a young doctor -- and inveterate New Yorker -- who moves to a remote village in Alaska to practice medicine in order to repay the state that financed his medical education on the premiere episode of MCA TV International's "NORTHERN EXPOSURE." The pilot was written by executive producers Joshua Brand and John Falsey and directed by Joshua Brand.

Joel Fleischman is 27, quick-witted, verbal, a quintessential New Yorker who has never been owest of the Mississipi. Intent on becoming a doctor, but lacking the financial backing, Joel mailed out seventy-five scholarship applications. Seventy-four were turned down -- one came throught -- Alaska, and the State of Alaska agreed to finance Joel's medical education, and in return he agreed to be their indentured slave for the following four years. Joel has already rented a brand-new two-bedroom condo in Anchorage, to share with his fiancee Elaine, with alle the amenities. Following his arrival. Joel meets with Pete Gillian, who gives him the sad news that they don't need him in Anchorage. Instead, thewy have set him up in Cicely -- also know as the "New Alaskan Riviera." Gillian has already arranged for lodging and an office, and the community is awaiting Joel's arrival. Following a long bus ride, Joel, his luggage and golf clubs are dropped off in the middle of nowhere. After what seems an indefinite period of time, Joel is picked up by Ed, a Native American. They drive for a period of time, then Ed stops, jumps out of the truck and runs into the woods.

Joel eventually finds Maurice Minnifield's home. Minnifield, the president of the Cicely Chamber of Commerce and an ex-astronaut, explains to Joel that he has big plans for the town, which already has a newspaper and radio station. The town, population 500, is set against the breathtaking backdrop of snow-peaked mountains -- in the middle of nowhere! A single traffic light swings in the wind. Maurice takes Joel to his office, which is in dire need to repair. Marilyn, a friendly, large Indian woman has already accepted the position as his secretary. Joel runs to the local tavern that is owned by Holling Vincoeur, a 62-year-old naturalist and adventurer, and his 18-yeald-old woman Shelly, one Miss Northwest Passage and Maurice's hearthtrob. When Shelly chose to live with his friend Holling, Maurice warned him never to speak to him again or he would shhot him. First, Joel calls gilliam, gbegging to get him out of this god-forsaken hole-in-the-wall pigsty, but Gilliam reminds him that he has a contract. Next, Joel calls his fiancee, who is attending law school, and he asks her to search for a loophole in his contract.

After that, Maggie takes him to his new home -- a rutic, one-bedroom cabin. Maggie is apilot who runs an air-taxi service and also happens to be Joel's landlady. That night, Joel lies in bed, saucereyed when he hears the pitter-patter of rodent feet. The next morning, Joel jogs into town and ask Ruth-Anne, the propietor of The General Store, for a bagel and cream cheese. Ruth-Anne looks at hin quizzically. He enters his office and is faced with an assortment of 12 people and one beaver. Joel feels uncomfortable estabilish the doctor-patient relationship since he is not staying anyway. While checking the beaver, Joel notices a pool of blood on the floor which leads to patient #12. He removes the bullet from the patient's leg and learns his wife shot him because he is too loud. After Joel tends to the patients, he meets with Maurice. He reminds Joel that the good people of Alaska payd $125,000 for his medical education, and he intends to keep Joel in Cicely within the bounds of law or without. As they stare at each other -- the silence is broken when Maurice swiftly hoists his rifle and shoots a duck overhead.

Joel enters his office the next morning to find patient #12 has returned with a kinfe wound. The patients's wife begins threatening her husband, and Joel immediately gets them to talk out their problems. He finally learns from Elaine that if he leaves, he must pay $10,000 and serve 18 years in jail. Desponent and feeling lost, Joel walksto the meadow by the lake where the ninth annual Arrowhead Country Summer Wonderland Festival is in progress. All of Cicely's residents are present: Chris Stevens, the radio disc jockey for K-BEAR, Ed, Maggie and her boyfriend Rick, Marilyn, Holling and Shelly. A silence falls as Holling tells Maurice that he has nothing to say to him, but he's saying it anyway. Holling places his hand on Maurice's Shoulder, and the two stare off across the lake. Meanwhile, Ed assures Joel he will get used to the Mooseburgers.

Cast & Credits:

Dr. Joel Fleischman ... Rob Morrow 
Maggie O'Connell ...... Janine Turner 
Maurice Minnifield .... Barry Corbin 
Chris Stevens ......... John Corbett
Ed .................... Darren E. Burrows
Holling Vincoeur ...... John Cullum
Shelly ................ Cinthia Geary
Ruth-Anne ............. Peg Phillips
Marilyn ............... Elaine Miles
Rick Pederson ......... Grant Goodeve
Pete Gilliam .......... Robert Nadir
Executive producers ... Joshua Brand, John Falsey
Produced by ........... Robert T. Skodis
Directed by ........... Joshua Brand
Written by ............ Joshua Brand, John Falsey
