Disease of respiratory tract Respiratory tract infection, bronchitis, coughing, asthma, lung infection, pulmonary emphysema - dosage 2 capsules twice daily.

Cardio cerebral vascular disease Coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, cerebral bloodclots - dosage 3 capsules twice daily.

Disease of urinary system Nephritis, renal failure, sexual dysfunction, prostatitis, impotence & premature ejaculation, infection of the urinary system - dosage 3 capsules twice daily

Disease of the blood system Anemia, decrease in platelets count - dosage 2 capsules twice daily.

Gastro-intestinal disease Hemorrhoids, gastric ulcer, ulcer of the duodenum, acute & chronic gastritis, acute & chronic gastroenteritis, esophagitis coilitis, acute & chronic diarrhea & indigestion - dosage 4 capsules twice daily.

Cancer Gastric cancer, esophagus cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, ascites carcinoma, cancer of the colon, chemotherapy for cancer of the uterus - dosage 2 capsules twice daily.

Disease of the nervous Dizziness, neuro-headache, low blood pressure, sciatica, insomnia - dosage 2 capsules twice daily.

Rheumatism Arthritis, arthralgia, joint enlargement, pain in the cervical vertebra, scapulohumeral periarthritis - dosage 3 capsules twice daily.

Metabolic disease Diabetes Mellitus, high cholesterol, obesity, constipation - dosage 2 capsules twice daily.

Disease of the five sense Conjunctivitis, keratitis, swelling, otitis media,rhintis, pharyngitis, oral inflammation, aphtha, tonsillitis - dosage 2 capsules twice daily.

Skin disease Acne, spots, pigmentation, eczema urticaria,psoriasis, itch caused by beri-beri, wrinkles, dull and dark(external skin complexion use) - dosage 2 capsules twice daily.

Semi-healthy condition Imsonia & amnesia, sleepiness, constant dream, tiredness, weak limbs, pain in shoulder & back, lethargy, poor concentration, dizziness & dysphoria - dosage 2 capsules twice daily.

Prevention of radiation Exposure to radiation, operating computers, using handphones & flying resulting in poor eyesight, pain in eyeball, decline in hearing, tiredness & discomfort, headache & dizziness - dosage 2 capsules twice daily.

Post-surgical recovery Injury pain, slow recovery, poor appetite, lethargy - dosage 2 capsules twice daily.

Decline in immunity Frequent illness and prone to colds & flu, poor appetite & sleep - dosage 2 capsules twice daily.

Protection of the liver Fatty liver, alcoholic liver disease, cirrhosis, hepatitis - dosage 2 capsules twice daily.

Gynecological care Menstruation cramps, menopause complication, cervical erosion, cervical inflammation, irregular menstruation, mastitis, pruritus vulvae - dosage 2 capsules twice daily.

Children Low immunity, choosy diet, malnutrition, decline in intelligence quotient, abnormal growth - dosage 1 capsule twice daily.

Others Burns, scalds, decubitus ulcer, cut, cold - dosage 1 capsule twice daily.


100% Natural Fruits - SEABUCKTHORN






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18, JALAN PANTAI JERJAK 15, SG. NIBONG 11900 PENANG, MALAYSIA. TEL:604-6593831 FAX: 604-6593801
Consultant: Mr. Cheah - 012-4138679
Distributors WANTED : PLEASE CALL 016-4128123 OR email


SeaBuckthorn : Nature's Anti-oxidant

In recent years people have discovered the many potential benefits of antioxidants in the diet, and the pharmaceutical industry has raced to synthesize more and more powerful varieties of them. But in chasing new discoveries we have forgotten a time-honored natural source of antioxidants: Seabuckthorn

Sea BuckthornSeabuckthorn , a hardy plant which grows in dry soil, which had very healthful and even miraculous herbal properties. It sounded rather exotic, but it seemed to thrive. It certainly lived up to its name - it had thorns enough to deter even the most thick-skinned buck. They looked pretty on the bush, oval-shaped and a bright orange colour. They didn't have much flavour, and they weren't even particularly sweet.

It seems that it was already known in Ancient Greek times. It is also called "Sallow Thorn", presumably from the berries which can stain the skin yellow (they have been used to make pigments and dyes). Seabuckthorn's Latin name is Hippophae rhamnoides L., translated to mean "giving light to a horse" (hippos - horse, phaos - light); refer- , to its reputed power of curing blindness in horses (- well, who am I to argue). It is native to Europe and some northern regions of Asia, but is cultivated elsewhere too.

What is the secret?

Seabuckthorn berries have a unique composition, combining a cocktail of components usually only found separately. The content of vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids reads like the label on a pack of multi-vitamin pills. The vitamin C content is among the highest for any plant (4th after rose-hips, hot chili pepper and sweet red pepper), while for vitamin E it takes 2- nd place around the other "champions" are all nuts and seeds with a high fat content. Seabuckthorn berries also have a high content of b-carotene (see Tables 1 and 2). The beta-carotene content is what gives the berries their colour, which can vary from yellow to red depending on the variety. All of these components are classified as natural anti-oxidants, which form a vital part of the body's defense system.

CONTENT OF VITAMINS C, E and b-carotene per 100 g
(Table 1)

ß-carotene (RE)

Vitamin C (mg)

Vitamin E (mg)

Carrots 1500
Rose-hi ps 430
Sweet red peppers 350
Seabuckthorn berries 270
Apricots 250
Pumpkin 250
Tomatoes 200
Persimmon 200

Rose-hips 650
Hot Chili peppers 360
Sweet red peppers 250
Seabuckthorn berries 220
Blackcurrants 200
Guavas 180
Kiwi 74

Wheatgerm oil 190
Seabuckthorn berries* 180
Sunflower oil 50
Sunflower seeds 50
Almonds 24
Filbert nuts 24
Palm oil 22
* 80% from D-alpha-tocopherol

Wonder-working berries

Despite the wide area where Seabuckthorn grows, few people in Europe or America make use of its medicinal properties. But in some countries like Tibet, China, Russia and Ukraine, Seabuckthorn oil is a popular home-made ointment for minor cuts, sunburn, and skin irritation; and its curative properties have been confirmed by scientific research. If you are able to harvest some Seabuckthorn berries, you can try preparing the oil yourself.

Why do we need anti-oxidants?

Smoking, drinking alcohol, exposure to environmental pollutants, and also exposure to ultraviolet light or nuclear radiation can all trigger the production of "free radicals" on the skin's surface, or inside the body. Free radicals are very simple compounds of oxygen, in which the innocent molecule has acquired an extra electron. Free radicals are very reactive particles and they aggressively attack all the surrounding molecules within the cell. The attacked molecules are oxidized, becoming structurally damaged and even making them toxic for the body. Vitamins with antioxidant properties form a natural line of defense against free radicals; they "catch" free radicals and neutralize them. These anti-oxidant vitamins, all present in Seabuckthorn oil, are vitamin A (derived from -carotene), vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin E (-tocopherol).

For busy people

For those of us not lucky enough to have a Seabuckthorn bush, or with no time to prepare the oil ourselves, fortunately it is available in ready-prepared form; as a liquid for use on the skin, or as capsules for internal use. The finished product is more often blended with an oil such as sunflower oil, olive oil and almond oil. Also on the market you can find a very concentrated extract (not blended), used by manufacturers of cosmetics and other products. Seabuckthorn oil standardized using carotenoids (not less than 170mg% and maximum 300-420mg%) and sum of tocoferols (not less than 110mg%).

The purity is very important; not every product is of a good standard. But one high-quality product I have found in Eastern Europe are the Rhamno-Fitt Seabuckthorn oil capsules produced by Biogal Rt. in Hungary. It does not contain any preservatives or chemical stabilizers. Each capsule contains 300mg of pure (not blended) Seabuckthorn oil, and provides 500 mcg of beta-carotene (1/6 of daily requirement) and 300 mcg of vitamin E (1/3 of daily requirement). The suggested dosage is 3 capsules per day.

Rhamno-Fitt capsules for a healthy body and healthy skin

For a healthy bodily system
Infection prophylaxis:
reinforces the body's defenses

Rhamno-Fitt capsules is very rich source of vitamins and minerals, especially in vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotenes, flavanoids, and other bioactive compounds. Rhamno-Fitt capsules increases the capability of the body's immune-system and can prevent vitamin A deficiency in the body. Also has an antibacterial action; inhibits the growth of staphylococci and other bacteria. These effects are especially valuable at the end of a long winter, in the treatment of colds, febrile conditions, exhaustion, also during periods of convalescence.

Promotes healthy arteries

Retards the development of atherosclerosis and cardiac disorders. Rhamno-Fitt capsules are also a fairly good source of essential unsaturated fatty acids, that is important for regulation of prostaglandin synthesis. Prostaglandins regulates blood pressure and water-salt balance. Their role was emphasized in many scientific researches. Each Rhamno-Fitt capsule contains 35-60% of Palmitoleic acid, 5-35% butyric oil acid and 0-15% linoleic acid. So high content of essential fatty acids is fairly uncommon for a fruit. Usually oils, animals fats and fish oils have these acids.

Anti-Cancer activity

Anti-tumor activity of Seabuckthorn was demonstrated in many scientific works. Just mention one of them. Chinese scientists Li Y and Liu H from Shanxi Medical College, Taiyuan, China published an article (IARC Sci. Publ. 1991; 105, 568-70) in which three group of rats were fed a diet containing carcinogens: First group (control) drunk a tap-water, second group drunk water with Vitamin C and the third group drunk water together with Seabuckthorn juice. The result were intrigues. The average life span of rats in a group given Seabuckthorn juice was 270 days, when given ascorbic acid - 220 days and in control group only 195 days. Moreover microscopic examinations of the liver (main target of carcinogens) showed that Seabuckthorn juice can prevent tumor production more effectively comparing with ascorbic acid solutions and pure water.

Regenerative effects

These were discovered during experiments on patients with skin defects. Promotes recovery from colitis, healing of erosion of the cervix, of stomach and duodenal ulcers, and of burns affecting the mucous membranes. Also speeds recovery from external wounds and sores, e.g. bedsores.

For healthy skin - a valuable external nutrient and ointment

As a skin nutritive and restorative

Such anti-oxsidants like vitamin E and beta-corotene effectively combat wrinkles, dryness, and other symptoms of aging or of a neglected skin. That is why Rhamno-Fitt capsules delays the aging process externally and enternally.

As a healing ointment

The oil can be used as an ointment to promote healing of burns (including sunburn), eczema, radiation injury ulcers and small cuts or abrasions. This healing effect is due to the beta-carotene (provitamin-A) that is in Seabuckthorn oil. The oil should be applied to the skin after washing and drying, and left for at least 20 minutes before removal. For best results, apply in the evening and leave overnight. However, remember that it will probably leave a temporary slight yellow-orange stain - so try and apply evenly!

Other applications of Seabuckthorn

Firstly in food industry in the production of juices with tonic effect, syrups and concentrates. The fresh berries are astringent and it is being investigated as a food that is capable of reducing the incidence of cancer and also as a means of halting or reversing the growth of cancers.

As a natural vitamin C additive and aroma for fruit and vegetables preserves. As ingredient in sauces and in the production of confectionary and aromas. Seabuckthorn also used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

Active ingredients of Seabuckthorn berries
typical amounts per 100 g of fresh berries
(Table 2)

* vitamin E (up to 180 mg)

* vitamin C (50-900 mg)

* vitamin A (up to 60 mcg)

* carotenoids:
    beta-carotene, gamma-carotene, lycopene (total 60-180 mg)

* vitamin B1 (up to 35 mcg)

* vitamin B2 (up to 55 mcg)

* folate (up to 80 mcg )

* fruit acids:
    chiefly malic acid, also acetic acid and quinic acid

* flavonoids:
    in particular kaempferol, isorhamnetin as well as quercetin tri- and tetra-glycosides

* carbohydrates
    (up to 3.6g)

* essential minerals:
   K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr and Se

* amino-acids (proteins)

* unsaturated and
    satu rated fatty-acids (in the seeds 12%; in the pulp 9% of total): oleic, isolinoic, linoleic and stearic acids