The Smallest Angels

Angel Child

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Sidsring Net Ring

This SIDSRING Net Ring Site

is owned by

Sids Ring Home Page

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Welcome to the SIDS Ring home page. This ring was created for families who are grieving the loss of a child by SIDS as a way for you to share your children with each other and help you with your grief. This ring was also created in order to link the various pages that have information about SIDS, grief and bereavement. If you are a parent, friend or family member and you have lost a child to SIDS and made a web page that talks about the child or memorializes the child, or you have a SIDS information site, then you have already met the requirements for this ring.

Please join us by filling in the form below. The only rules are: The URL you enter when you join MUST be the page that the HTML code is placed on and it should also be your memorial page or your SIDS information page! I want the ring code to be placed directly on your memorial or sids page if possible! I want to make it very easy for those who are surfing around the ring!

PLEASE DO NOT place it on a seperate ring page if at all possible. THIS IS THE PREFERRED METHOD OF RING TRAVEL!! If you must place it on a seperate ring page please list your WEB RINGS url with us. Then on your WEB RINGS Page you should have a very clear and visible link to your MEMORIAL page so that the people may visit your site and then may continue to surf the sidsring without getting lost.

From time to time the automatic HTML tester will surf the ring and if the proper ring code cannot be found on the URL you have listed with the ring, you will be placed back in the queue and then you will have 2 weeks to place the code back on your listed page or you will be deleted from the ring.

Your entire site must NOT contain any sexually explicit content, profanity, hatred, racism, or any links to the same.

After you register and are placed in the queue, you will be shown and also emailed the proper code custom tailored for your site to place on your page. There is NO NEED to download the graphic! You will then have a 2 week time frame in order to place the proper code on your page and to email me to be added to the ring. After 2 weeks if you have not notified me to add you into the ring your site will be removed from the queue and your site # will be made available again and you will have to reapply. After you have the proper code in place then EMAIL ME and I will verify your page and your Ring HTML code and add you into the ring.

Submit a site to Sids Ring Net Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:
Site Owner:
EMail Address:
Site Description:

Site ID #

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