The Golden Ratio

Great Youtube Tuorial About The Golden Mean

The Golden Ratio is a naturally occuring number/ratio that has been used through the ages because of its aesthetic appeal. Fibonacci discovered this number when posed with the question "A certain man put a pair of rabbits in a place surrounded on all sides by a wall. How many pairs of rabbits can be produced from that pair in a year if it is supposed that every month each pair begets a new pair which from the second month on becomes productive?" This led him to discover what is called Fibonacci's sequence. It is found by starting with 0 and 1 and adding together the previous two digits of the series(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc.) He then divide each of those numbers by the previous number and this lead him to the Golden Ratio (1.618 033).

This ratio has been seen in many different aspects of nature. Using this ratio, a Golden Ratio mask has been produced. It is a particular facial design where the nose, eyes, brows, mouth, forehead, and all other aspects of the face are related to each other according to the ratio. The mask has been compared to some of the most beautiful celebrities today and the mask fits nearly perfectly to their faces, meaning that the beauty of these people is directly connected with this mysterious ratio. Many flowers and trees have lengths of petals and stems that occur according to this ratio. Such architecture as the Parthenon made by the ancient Greeks, that humans have found appealing and wonderful over the ages, have been created using this unexplainable ratio. The Parthenon was created using the ratio because when comparing the height and width, the height and the triangular top section, the two portion of the top section, these pieces relate to each other in that ratio of 1:1.618. The wonder and mystery associated with this piece of architecture is a great deal due to its affiliation with the Golden Ratio.

What Do I Believe?

I believe this simple number does suggest that the universe displays intelligent design and that some supernatural power must be behind it. Although it does not answer the question, "Why are we here?" this ratio/pattern suggests that some power guides our creation and all creation, making some things more beautiful than others. This incredible, unexplainable number cannot occur with so much consistency without the allowance of some great being.

Works Cited

The Golden Ratio
Tbhe Golden Ratio Mathematics
The Golden Ratio And Beauty
The Golden Ratio And Aesthetics

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