Kristen Scott Thomas
Emily Watson
Helen Mirren
Jeremy Northam
Maggie Smith
Bob Balaban
Richard E. Grant
Ryan Phillippe
Alan Bates
Charles Dance
Kelly MacDonald
Michael Gambon
Clive Owen
James Wilby
Derk Jacobi
Stephen Fry
Click on image to enlarge.
Directed By
Robert Altman
THE PLOT: Set in 1933, a group of wealthy English guests gather at a beautiful country estate.  While the rich and noble gather for dinner upstairs, the servants and less notable exchange conversation and ideas downstairs.  The strain between these two different social classes comes to a head when one of the guests is murdered.  Everyone in the mansion becomes a suspect in this Agatha Christie-like drama.  Director Robert Altman compares it to The Rules of the Game meets Ten Little Indians.
RYAN'S PART: Henry Denton, a young actor from the United States who masquerades as a butler.
THE LOWDOWN: Simply put, Gosford Park is the best film Ryan has been in yet.  Legendary director Robert Altman juggles over 40 speaking parts easily like the pro he is.  The film ended up on over 120 critics year end best lists and has won several awards and was nominated for 7 Academy Awards including BEST PICTURE, BEST DIRECTOR, BEST SCREENPLAY, and two actresses in the BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS category.  Ryan recently won  a Screen Actors Guild Award along with the rest of the cast in the BEST ENSEMBLE category.