fan art




j pop

e-mail me!

love me

last updated :: 01/01/03

Disclaimers & Legal Info

All original stories, artwork, images, graphics, pictures & text are property of me, Michelle Merriman. I have been plagerized before, and I have had artwork stolen before; it ticks me off when people try to claim my hard work as there own. I'm no glory hog, but please, be considerate. I do spend a lot of time on my projects, this site included, and I would appreciate some thoughtfulness.

Lyrics have been collected from all over the internet; some have been altered by myself, some have not. If I have stolen one from you and you can prove it and would like me to take it down, I'll be happy to. I have searched too many sites to keep track of where I got what. On the flip side of that coin, if you have any you would like to donate, I'd be more than happy to post them. I'd be especially grateful for anything by DEEN & Field Of View.

MP3's are NOT to be directly linked to. Nothing on my site is, for that matter. I do not have a lot of data transfer alloted to me, and my space is limited, therefor only one MP3 will be posted at a time. However, if you would like to raid my MP3 collection, poke me on AIM and I will do my best. For the MP3's posted on here, right click on the link and then save it to your HD -- DO NOT PLAY FROM MY WEBSITE!!!

When in doubt, e-mail me. I'm very generous when it comes to my stuff, even my artwork, as long as I get my dues. But please ask first, OK? I hardly ever say no, but you have to ASK!