Jason Pettus is the Slacker Chef


What to expect


Pricing and payment

Calendar of free nights

Menu selection

Sommalier service

Photos (and other fun)


(January 23: Twelve new recipes added to the menu items, including my first vegan dishes. You can also finally see some photos from one of my events on the photos page.)

Does this sound familiar? You decide to throw a dinner party for four or five of your friends, expecting a fun ol' Big-Chillesque "Everyone's In The Kitchen Together Cooking And Laughing And Dancing to Classic Rock" evening. By the end of the night your kitchen is a wreck, your friends are all drunk in the living room, and you've spent a grand total of ten minutes during the entire party getting to hang out with them.

Or maybe this sounds familiar: You want to throw a really special dinner for your parents who are in town, but you don't know how to cook and you can't afford a caterer. By the end of the night the sauce is burned, the pasta is raw, and your parents are spending the rest of the evening in their hotel bathroom getting rid of bad clams.

My name is Jason Pettus and I offer a very simple service - I will come to your home, cook a five-course gourment dinner for anywhere from two to eight people, clean everything up and leave. Even better, your entire cost is between $20 and $24 a person. You get the enjoyment of a catered meal, the entertainment of a live event, the ease of staying at home, and the cool chic of having a professional chef in your kitchen - all for a lesser price than taking your friends to a restaurant.

Want to learn more? Feel free to click through the buttons on your left to get all the details of the Slacker Chef. I have a page of menu options as well as a calendar of free nights so you can plan your event. I also have information on payment, reservations, what to expect, and an optional sommalier service that I offer. When you're ready to make a reservation, or have questions beyond the information you've found here, you can call me at 773.477.7138, or email me at ilikejason@hotmail.com. I look forward to speaking with you.

The Slacker Chef