Code of Conduct

All clanners are expected to follow the CoC at all times. Failure to conform can lead to rank demotion or dismissal from the clan. As a member of Clan Steel Viper you are among the most honourable MechWarriors online; this means conducting yourself with honour and treating others the same way.


1. Follow the CoCs for the MSN Gaming Zone and Combat Zone (rule 3.00) at all times.

2. No swearing or offensive language while non-SVx members are present. This includes the MechWarrior 3 chats, chat rooms, and Zone messages.

3. No extreme language or offensive behaviour at any time.

4. Keep your room infos and passwords respectful and language-free.

5. Respect your clanmates and others at all times. Do not insult anyone, be it behind their backs or to their face.

6. No challenging other clanmates without reasonable cause, whether of higher or lower rank.

7. Keep a positive attitude and have fun! That's why we're here.


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