Jokes Jokes Jokes

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This bank of jokes are clean and funny. Enjoy.

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Let's Laugh!

What Kind of Punny Business is this?!?

Gotta Get That Story Straight...

Barbie Malabu on sale now!

Is it live, or is it...

Psalm 14:1 Proved!

Why I'm So Tired


I *knew* that light says on...

We're way past eggs cookin' here!

That might help you budget!

Hey! Low mileage doesn't mean it hasn't won a race...

Modern medicine had come a long way

Discrete Patience

Will the real doctor please stand up?

Save the motherboard for orniments!

Speaking or "reportedly true" stories

Outcome-Based Software


Divine Guidance?

Go to jail healthy, go directly to jail healthy...

It would have been good if he stayed in...

What to do, what to do...

Don't Mess With A Nun

What a guy!

Keepin' Cool!

He's not in a better place now.

Sad thing is, this is entertaining...

Real Life Airheads, Part I

Real Life Airheads, Part II

But did you charge her?

That about sums it up!

Did you hear a pin drop?

Hong Kong Phooey!

Geeeez, who can you trust these days?!?

First impressions count!

That explains it!

Too much head butting...