What is the True HPU Spirit?

The True HPU Spirit does exist. It is not always easy to quantify and has existed in many forms over the decades.

It is not mere loyalty to the Yellow Jackets (though that is important). Athletic spirit alone will pass for school spirit at many universities. However, HPU Spirit transcends the status of athletic teams. Many fans are loyal to a team that is victorious. Some are loyal even to teams with a losing record. The rarest fans are loyal to the school itself. This phenomenon is seen at many universities. However, there is still something unique about the HPU spirit, just as there is something unique about HPU.

HPU is a polarizing experience. I have met few who have experienced HPU and yet have no feelings about the university. Some love it (some even to obsession), some hate it, few are neutral. Some have observed that some of the greatest experiences in life are polarizing. Howard Payne is no exception.

The HPU Spirit is embodied in the students, alumni, faculty, and friends of the university. Students and alumni are rabid about encouraging friends and relatives to attend. HPU alumni and friends of HPU are everywhere.

The true HPU spirit embodies principles such as Christian liberty, freedom, patriotism, accountability, forgiveness, honesty, honor, friendship, unconditional love, respect, and devotion to God. The university strives to instill such values in its students. Unfortunately, since they are imperfect people, not all will learn these lessons. However, there are many who strive to embody the values of HPU. When they do fail, they stop, ask for forgiveness, then keep going.

The HPU spirit has seen its highest form in tough times. "To Howard Payne My All" is the battle cry of the HPU spirit. During the Depression, the university kept going because of noble sacrifices. Many other times, the university's future seemed bleak. However, those who loved HPU kept her afloat.

Even in better times, the spirit has still remained. The true HPU spirit is part of what has helped to make those good times better. When times are good, those with the true HPU spirit do not cease to pray for HPU. They continue to ask the Lord's blessings on HPU and her work. They work in other ways to help the university be the best that she can be.

Students can manifest the HPU spirit by doing their best at all things, praying for the university, and helping others. They help new students feel welcome and ensure that the feeling of welcome endures. They help friends who look down and even total strangers. They pick up litter from the campus. They encourage people. They are involved in solving problems on campus.

Professors embody the HPU spirit by truly caring for their students. They get to know their students as well as possible. Many professors will remember the name of a student who had them for only one class, even years later. Professors at HPU have been observed to help students with problems outside the classroom. The administration and staff have also been observed to be involved in students lives.

These factors make a genuine difference in student life at Howard Payne. The saying that everybody is somebody at HPU is not a mere trite cliche. It is an unalterable fact. Those with the HPU Spirit can feel it and do their best to contribute to it.

The true HPU Spirit does not stand for falsehood. It cannot stand those who prey on the weak. Nor does it suffer lightly those who would harm the university. It actively resists anything contrary to its nature. When people try to attack or harm HPU in any way, those with the HPU spirit rise to defend the university.

Those with the true HPU spirit also have a reverence for the campus. Old Main Park is hallowed ground to alumni and students alike. People who remember Old Main before she burned are counted as blessed. The ground is sacred and no building shall ever be erected on that spot. Time and time again, short-sighted people have tried to remove or reduce the sanctity of Old Main Park. Many times, people have decried the "waste" of "perfectly good land" and have suggested constructing a building, or even a parking lot on the former location of Old Main. Each time, the outcry has stopped these plans.

Other locales on the campuses are revered as well. Fond memories abound and Homecoming is full of reminiscences. Places take on greater significance as events both monumental and mundane are recalled.

The beauty that people with the Spirit of HPU see is not mere physical beauty. The campus does have the traditional elements of beauty. However, that beauty is greatly enhanced by the love that people feel for HPU. A much-loved tree or squirrel will trigger a fond response. A familiar patch of sidewalk will elicit a good feeling. At Homecoming, the campus is as much an old friend as fellow alumni are. Seeing the changes, whether great or small, is like catching up with a long-lost friend. To those with the true HPU spirit, a part of their very being will always belong at HPU. It truly is our Alma Mater, our Soul Mother.

Students who have transferred into HPU have noticed the difference. The sentiment: "I didn't know it could be this good," is echoed again and again. Although they were happy about their previous school, these students have become ecstatic about Howard Payne.

The true HPU Spirit seeks to preserve Howard Payne University, sustain her when she falls, correct her when she errs, laud her when she succeeds, comfort her when she hurts, lead her through good times and bad, pray for her, give to her, bring students to her, uphold the best of her traditions, sing her praises due, and lead her into the glorious future that the Lord has prepared for her.

Sting 'em Jackets!