Hidden Rainbows

A Rainbow!  Ahhh!
An unexpected surprise.
Bright, yet soft against the dark sky.
A glimmer of hope,
one of promise.
Just a glimse,
but exciting me.

It disappeared moments later.
As I rounded the curve,
I searched the sky, but it was gone.
It had surprised me as they often do...
Seeming rarer now than when I was a child.
It is a gift of only moments,
but changing me -
lifting my soul...

September 30, 2001
The Embrace

As I remember your embrace
I am bathed in comfort,
Feeling safe from the outside world.

There is a sense of right -
a belonging in that place
A place that I did not want to leave...

I realized that I must -
to venture out into the world.
I did, but not with trepidation.
Instead with a whole new feeling of
Confindence, strength, and power -

Because of your gentle care.

August 5, 2001

Poetry & Prose by
Susan J Swanson
For printer friendly version of  "Inspirations" click here.
The Musician

You have touched me.
Without even knowing
You have touched me.

I, a listener, an observer of life
Have been touched by your soul.
It sings out through your music:
Pain and sorrow,
Love and joy,
Reaching out tentatively at first,
Gaining strength and force
As it reaches new heights.
Veering, plummeting, and rising again
Forming an enticing dance.

My Soul joins yours as it listens -
Flying high, experiencing the dance as my own.
I soar, veer, plummet, and rise again.
You enriched my life, changing me forever.
For a few moments you shared your soul with mine.

You have touched me.
Without even knowing
You have touched me