
Personal Information

Hey there. Well, since you made it this far, I guess I should tell you a bit about myself huh? First off, I'm 20 years old and have lived in Minnesota my entire life. I was born in Minneapolis, grew up in a tiny town called Montevideo (aka: the boonies), a few years ago my family moved to St Cloud (where they live now) and I go to school up in northern Minnesota. I'm a student at the University of Minnesota - Duluth (on Lake Superior). In September of 2000, I'll be starting my Senior of school there. My major? Accounting with a minor in Management Information Systems. Sounds like tons of fun, i know, but hey, it's easy.

Music has got to be one of the biggest parts of my life at the moment and has been for as long as I can remember. Overall, I'd say I have a wide range of music tastes. Ranging from Bob Marley to Korn to Chemical Brothers to Jamiroquai and Ani Difranco. Sublime is by far my favorite though, as you can probably tell. I pride myself in getting my friends into Sublime well before they started releasing songs on Mtv and on the radio. My first sublime cd; 40oz to Freedom and still my favorite cd that I've ever owned.

Anything else you want to know, feel free to drop me a line by email. I usually respond fairly quickly, so don't be shy. All my contact information is located on my "contact information" page, so check that out if you need to.

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