
Hi! Well, well, well, so you can't believe Taiora! Then read this! If anyone else has more evidence
email me it! Please! Thank you!!!

(From Kinky One) In the first episode (and so it begins),when Tai and Izzy are in the hiding tree, Sora tells them it's ok to come out, and Tai's all,"oh, we were just planning the trap we were gonna set for kuwagamon", already he's self conscious it's so sweet.

Even though Matt and Sora were going out, Sora still though about Tai! In "The Battle For Both Worlds part III", when Sora and Yoeli had problems communicating with the Russian children Sora thought, "I better not tell Tai about this." What about Yama, Sora, heheh!

Ah, adding even more to the last evidence, Sora and Tai seem to perfer to be with each other, in the episode where Okikawa recruits his dark spore children, Sora and Tai investigate the situation alone, leaving Matt with the other digidestined.

In "Digimon the Movie" there are huge hints! In the second part of the Movie (The "Our Wargame" part) Tai sends an email, and subconsiously writes "Love Tai" at the end, also the email itself as a whole is evidence, it goes something like this:
Dear Sora,
I am sorry about the hairpin today. I have not felt this bad since the day I threw up in your hat and forgot to tell you before you put it on. Our relationship seems to be stormy lately. You say that you love thunderstorms, so what's a few raindrops between friends?
Love, Tai

In the DIGIMON MOVIE, The most important part was when Sora saw Tai's email, and smiled and said with a warm tone, "stupid Tai." (instead of the times earlier when she was saying "stupid Tai" with anger, oh that Tai ;) )

Also, in "Digimon the Movie--> In the last segment (the one that they are the oldest), in the narration part when they introduce the character,when Kari (the narrator)introduced Sora she said something like "Sora waits for Tai to call..."

(from Sora01) This came off of a site with future episode clip of Digimon. Sora was going to go into to a building to do something. She seemed scared, or nervous or something. Tai came along, put his hands on her shoulders, encouraged her, and she smiled warmly, and went in. As she went in, I heard Tai say something softly about her. He might've been saying that he loved her. The clip was Japanese, so I couldn't understand. I know I heard "Sora-chan".

In The Prisioner of the Pyramid and The Earthquake of MetalGreymon , who is the most concerned about Sora? Tai, that's who! (Remember that part when Tai refused to let go of Sora so she wouldn't fall in the black pit???)

In the episode Piximon Cometh , when Tai is beinging attacked by Kwagamon, Sora shouts his name, uh um, the only one who shouted it! How sweet! (She's so concerned!) Actually there are quite a lot of moments like that, but I don't know the epi names! (stupid me!)

Heheh...they are always beside, behind, in front, etc. of each other! Go to any screenshot archive and look for yourself!!!

(When digidestines come back briefly to earth, Myotismon episodes) When the digidestines have a ride with Sora's stupid cousin, and Tai's digimon Koromon takes a crap, who takes the blame for it? SORA!!!!!!

Also, in that part of the series, when Tai and Sora are under the bridge during an attack, Tai covers Sora to PROTECT her from any debris that might them. How Kawaii!

In the first episode, when Tai introduces Sora, he says that,"She's pretty cool...for a girl." Uh um, a crush???

In the intro for the show when the kids are flying through the DIGMON letters, Tai flys first then is followed by Sora! Then at the very end of the intro they stand by each other! Are the creators trying to tell us something???

In the Prisioner of the Pyramid , Tai and Sora have a conversation, you could feel the warmth between them! It was so sweet! Well, anyways it was about finding Sora's crest, and Tai cheers Sora up about finding it. :)

In Sora's Crest of Love , Tai said he felt Sora's love shinning through.

When the group is swallowed by Whalmon, Sora is holding Tai's waist! Not Matt's or Joe's, etc, but Tai's!

In one of the Puppetmon episodes, Tai and Sora have a conversation about going into Puppetmon's house or not, Tai tells her he wouldn't let anything happen to her! It was so cute!!!

Sora seems to side with Tai a lot!!!!

When Tai gets sucked back to earth, the whole digidestines start to look for him. Heheh, but when everyone was sleeping and stuff, Sora went off by herself to look for him (such determination)!!!

In the Episode when the kids are at hotel, Tai say Good-night to SORA directly!

Tai catches Sora in the Andromon episode! (Oh, I need to know these epi names!)

Sora is protective with Kari, TAI'S SISTER! Wonder why? SHE WANTS TAI'S ATTENTENTION!