
For the week of Sept 10 - Sept 17, 1998
From the always-trying-to-top-NT-in-reliability dept.:

This was spotted in Spencer F. Katt's column in the September 7, 1998 issue of PCWeek:

A visitor to Novell's campus last week stumbled across what he's calling the Ultimate Reboot. As the company makes the transition to an all-IP network using NetWare 5.0, users at one of the buildings ran into problems. Log-ins gradually became slower and slower to the point where no one in the facility could get into the corporate network. IT's solution: powering down the entire building, including lights, air conditioning, the whole ball of wax. After restoring the current, users had no further problems.

At least with NT, you only have to reboot the server.
For the week of Oct 11 - Oct 18
From the truth-is-funnier-than-fiction dept.:

At first I thought it was just a joke, but apparently it's true. Last week, a man was caught "enjoying" a pumpkin. Take a look at the "Pumpkin Love" entry in the humor section for more details.
For the week of Oct 18 - Oct 25
From the dear-god-not-another-redesign dept.:

I don't have anything more interesting to post this week since I've been spending most of my time redesigning with Macromedia Flash. I expect the new page to roll out by November 1st.
Also, as a preview of what Flash can do, you can check out The Adventures of Pornman, the cartoonization of sketches on my whiteboard at work.

Posted November 21, 1998:
From the le-soap-apparently-isn't-popular dept.:

It's true, the French really are the smelliest people in Europe: Read about it.

Posted December 10, 1998:
From the laugh-till-it-hertz dept.:

I've automated what I have to do to add to the humor section, so I can add to it faster now. There are a bunch of new entries in it too, so check it out!

From the so-that's-what-an-appeaseotomy-is dept.:

Congratulations to my sister who gave birth to her second daughter, Hunter, last night (12/9) at 10:10pm!

Posted December 26, 1998:
From the collapse-of-civilization-made-easy dept.:

Just a few days away from January 1st, 1999; the first important date in a series of dates that bring on Y2K-related problems. Read my views on Y2K for a rational diagnosis of what to expect from Y2K (no, the world probably won't end).

Posted January 1, 1999:
From the and-there-was-much-rejoicing dept.:

Happy new year! 1999 promises to be an jam-packed year, with new, unprecedented growth of the Internet, the Presidental impeachment trial (are we sick of this yet?), the giddy anticipation of 2000 (who cares if the third millenium doesn't start until 2001... all those zeros in 2000 really get people worked up), and the slow stream of Y2K-related problems rearing their ugly head. My Y2K Outlook predicts what's going to happen in '99, and will be updated all year long with exactly what has happened in 1999.

Posted January 30, 1999:
From the assholes-in-the-"biz" dept.:

If you've been on the Internet for any length of time, chances are you've used The International Lyrics Server to look up lyrics to a song at least once.
However, in true corporate form, The National Music Publisher's Association (NMPA) and the Harry Fox Agency (HFA) have filed suit and had The International Lyrics Server shut down, alleging breach of copyright. Apparently they think everyone should bother them for things as simple as lyrics to obscure and popular songs. (I've dealt with both NMPA and HFA in the past, attempting to get permission to use musical pieces in a composition, and now, three years later, I still await the dignity of a response from either of them).
The International Lyrics Server has a petition to bring the service back to the Internet, and I encourage everyone to go sign it. We can't let such a useful (and harmless) public service be destroyed by the suits.

Posted February 16, 1999:
From the nothing-better-to-say dept.:

I'm currently in the process of adding two new sections to the site: The Who's Tommy, which goes into the history and the various recreations of the epic rock opera throughout the years, and Dinkypad Drawings, a collection of various sketches I've drawn using Dinkypad on my Palm Pilot.
Neither of these sections is finished, but both have enough in them to at least be online.

Posted March 11, 1999:
From the it-started-with-a-runny-nose dept.:

I'm just now finally starting to get over a minor case of bronchitis, which has pretty much brought my life to a halt for the past week or so. Fevers, headache, dizzyness, nausea, insomnia, and of course that wonderful loss of voice have been keeping me company during my down time. (Not that bad, you say, but then again, you can take decongestants and similar medication, things my doctor has told me are a real no-no due to my heart condition... I had to tough it out.. with no meds.)

On the webpage front: The Adventures of Pornman is about to undergo a facelift after having been dormant for six months... stay tuned for more details next week.

Posted March 15, 1999:
From the am-i-the-straight-man-now dept.:

EverCrest, my hand-drawn daily comic strip portraying life in Norrath, the world of EverQuest had it's debut yesterday to smashing success.
Be sure to drop in and take a look.

Comments, questions?