Anatoly Kardash's Public Domain Software
Infrastructure Libraries

Unfortunately I don't have too much public domain software created: I'm spending the most of my time working for commercial companies. But for now I can offer:
  • RE_Lib - C++ Regular Expression Library
  • D_Lib - C/C++ Debug Library
  • M_Lib - C++ Message Handling Library
  • E_Lib - C++ Error Handling Library

  • Do you need regular expressions in your C++ program? And you don't want neither to use some "big" library having regular expression as its part nor to port some existing C library to C++ nor (of course) to write it by yourself? If this is your situation then this is for you:

    RE_Lib - C++ Regular Expression Library

    The RE_Lib is a slightly modified version of well known "classic" regular expression implementation by Henry Spencer. (The original library may be found somewhere under or in other software collections.) This "good old" library is really good while you are writing in C. So the modifications I did are:

    The RE_Lib was tested on several UNIX platforms and MS Windows NT.

    Please note that I added project files for Microsoft Visual Studio (dsp for MSVC++ 6.x and vcp for MSEVC++ 3.x) on April 5th, 2002. So if you downloaded the library before this date and would like to get those files - then download and unpack the ZIP again.

    Requirements: nothing special is required.

    RE_Lib UNIX (gzip+tar) MSWin (zip)
    Sources + documentation relib.tgz
    (the UNIX and MSWin versions differ by EOLs only)


    Are you C/C++ programmer? Are you using any kind of debug printing? Do you need a trace of your program execution? Had you once regret that you can not turn on some piece of code at run-time? If the answer is "Yes" then this is for you:

    D_Lib - C/C++ Debug Library

    The D_Lib library provides a set of easy-to-use but powerful and easily configurable tools to perform a C/C++ programmer's daily debug as well as diagnostics needed by a system tester/maintainer. In fact the use of the D_Lib library gives very flexible debug printing with both compile-time and run-time management and also possibility to turn on/off (even run-time) some pieces of code without any recompilation.

    It was tested and used on several UNIX platforms as well as MS Windows 9x/ME/NT/2K/CE and EPOC/SymbianOS.

    The D_Lib library is referenced at least at:

    (Once D_Lib was also referenced from "C/C++ Users Journal". It does not exist anymore, nevertheless the cache of its links still can be found at

    For about 10 years D_Lib is being successfully used for many commercial and public projects by numerous organizations. It continuously remains in top-10 results for query "C++ debug library" in various search services like Google, Yahoo!, WebCrawler and others, sometimes catching the 1st place (here are screenshots of Google, Yahoo! and WebCrawler).

    Requirements: You must have some library implementing regular expressions. It may be either RE_Lib (from this site) or commercial RogueWave's SourcePro Core (former Tools.h++) library or publicly available M. A. Sridhar's YACL library (may be found somewhere under or or in some other collections, e.g. "net.sw"). I was too lazy to implement the regular expressions by myself - sorry.

    Downloading: The current version 3.6b of D_Lib is available here:
    UNIX (tar+gzip) MSWin9x/ME/NT/2K/CE (zip) EPOC/Symbian OS (zip)

  • the sources for UNIX and MSWin versions differ by EOLs only
  • a special packaging for EPOC/Symbian OS was originally made for D_Lib v3.5b by Peroon R&D Ltd. - thanks! (No changes in the sources, just ready-to-use package.)

    Although D_Lib may be found in other public domain software collections, like

    I strongly recommend to use the latest version downloaded from this page - the changes and bug fixes may be very important. If you want to be notified automatically about changes of this page - please register your e-mail address at ChangeDetect service using the form provided below.


    Do you have any textual information in your C++ program that is shown to end-users? Did you think about easy support of many languages and run-time switching of UI language? Did you think about lacks of "resource" files, like necessity of re-compilation and single-platform? If the answer is "Yes" then this is for you:

    M_Lib - C++ Message Handling Library

    The M_Lib is a mechanism allowing:

    It was tested and used on several UNIX platforms as well as MS Windows 9x/ME/NT/2K/CE and EPOC/SymbianOS.

    Requirements: C++ compiler supporting templates.

    Downloading: The current version 3.2b of M_Lib is available here:
    UNIX (tar+gzip) MSWin9x/ME/NT/2K/CE (zip) EPOC/Symbian OS (zip)
    (the sources for UNIX and MSWin versions differ by EOLs only)


    Do you have any textual information in your C++ program that is shown to end-users? Did you think about easy support of many languages and run-time switching of UI language? Did you think about lacks of "resource" files, like necessity of re-compilation and single-platform? If the answer is "Yes" then this is for you:

    E_Lib - C++ Error Handling Library

    The E_Lib library provides a unified mechanism to handle various situations requiring notification – either externally (error and other messages to end-user or maintainer) or internally (exceptions to program itself).

    It was tested and used on several UNIX platforms as well as MS Windows 9x/ME/NT/2K/CE.

    Requirements: C++ compiler supporting exceptions. Optionally: M_Lib (available at this site).

    Downloading: The current version 3.1b of E_Lib is available here:
    UNIX (tar+gzip) MSWin9x/ME/NT/2K/CE (zip)
    (the sources for UNIX and MSWin versions differ by EOLs only)


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