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  My name is Mildred Haddock, and I am the fierce full leader behind Haddock Consulting. As a Mac Computer Consultant and an Internet Consultant, I consider my responsibility to keep people informed about technology. Hence, I developed this web page as a means to share my knowledge as well as showing a sample of what I do in my business. All my information and services are also available in Spanish.

Visit often to stay well informed, and send your comments and suggestions to my e-mail.

 Mi nombre es Mildred Haddock, y yo soy la fuerza detrás de la firma Haddock Consulting. Como consultora de computadoras de Macintosh y del Internet, concidero mi responsabilidad mantener a la gente informada sobre la nueva tecnología. Por lo tanto, yo he creado esta página para compartir mi conocimiento con ustedes y a la misma vez mostrar un ejemplo de lo que hago en mi negocio.
Vengan a visitarme a menudo para que se mantengan bien informados. Envíen sus sugerencias a mi e-mail.

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