Jeff's Page
Main Page
Math Dictionary
Copyright 1999 by Jeff Garrett

Jeff Garrett's Home Page and Math Extravaganza

Hello, visitor number 10000. This is my corner of cyberspace. I am a regular fixture on Efnet #math, where my nick is nerdy2. I love math, along with most other subjects too. Because of Eric's pact with the devil (aka, CRC) I'm trying to start a #math project to build a dictionary, which perhaps will be accurate, and contain real definitions. No more "Fundamental Group = Something to do with paths and stuff, maybe, I think."

Here is the link to the started dictionary: The Math Dictionary. Please e-mail any errors, corrections, or ideas to or msg me on Efnet.

If this works out, ideas for future products which may never actually appear include:

  • A thorough introduction to any mathematical subject in a tutorial/book type thing. (Welcome back N. Bourbaki.)
  • A script to allow irc to render LaTeX math stuff in X.
  • An all-purpose kick-ass CAS.

Note: I actually have another homepage located on my family's server... As such, it (I feel) is a better place (and seems to get updated more frequently) for family-safe content, and it is more up to date in this regard. However this does not negate the need for this page... My manifesto is not family-safe :). But more content of a professional attitude (math-related stuff, school info) will be found there.

I feel i should also rail against yahoo!. I have had this geocities page for a while. In fact it was my first homepage. I think in the beginning all you had to do was put a little banner at the bottom of the page... But then came pop-up adds, which were annoying enough, then yahoo did ad squares, which i find even more annoying. (it's easier to disable popups selectively than to disable javascript selectively methinks). Not to mention it is intrusive in the actual content of the page. Also yahoo! has stopped offering their availability of POP access for mail, or equivalently forwarding of mail (which they financed in part by requiring you to sign up for occassional advertisements)... this is now a premium service. totally annoying. now i have to abandon my yahoo email which i've used for a while.

Last edited in July 2002 (not much). Much more interesting things coming... Realistically, new style, fewer actual things, maybe a little more risque things, wink wink nod nod (it has to live up to it's characterization as the non-family-safe site :)). Dunno really. The style is ugly now, that has to be fixed at least.