Some of the Websites that I've worked on
In the past, I have used HotMetal HTML editor, Sausage Hot Dog HTML Editor, NetObjects NetFusion & Microsoft FrontPage. While WYSIWYG/drag-and-drop websites are easy to create, I prefer hand-coded HTML layouts & designs due to greater flexibility and control. Anyone who has tried to make a change to a website created for them by someone using one of the above listed editors knows how much useless code the programs put into a website. Trying to make a simple change requires having to sift through lines upon lines of code just to find the spot where you want to make your change.

All the following websites were hand-coded using common notepads such as Microsoft Notepad that comes with Win9x, Joe, Jot, Pico and/or vi that comes with Linux/Unix. The only exception is the BiblioNet website, which I used NetFusion to create due to lack of time at that moment to hand-code an entire website.

Just keep in mind that sites that I am asked to create for free tend to take a couple of months to complete, as other work that I get compensated for, take priority. The fastest that I've created a site that I was paid for was 2 hours. Time & complexity of the website varies depending on needs & the amount of information provided.

  Business-Oriented Websites
B&B Solutions Inc.
B&B Solutions Inc. - A reseller of SGI workstations & peripherals, offering maintenance contracts, training courses, trade-ins among it's many services. Also authorized Intergraph reseller. I've been with this website through three incarnations. A lot of time & sweat has gone into the evolution of this website. This website is my baby. I've been the Web Administrator of this site since 1997. In 1997, it was awarded BizCardz's Web Quality Award!. The spinning logo was quite a challenge.

Vitality Services
Vitality Services - Located in Montreal, Vitality Services offers Corporate Wellness Programs, onsite shiatsu massage, tai-chi courses among it's many services. This website is currently in it's 3rd incarnation. The main noticable change is the addition of a frame to the site.

BiblioNet - Located in Westmount, BiblioNet offers its patrons the opportunity to enjoy a milieu of state-of-the-art office, communications & technical facilities that include computer access, mailboxes, fax/courier services, graphics designing, software trials, technical magazines & Internet services such as personal a e-mail address, webpage designing, and website hosting. Unlike other sites listed on this page, which are hand-coded, the BiblioNet website was created using NetObject's NetFusion. I usually avoid using website editors that plug in a lot of unnecessary code but in this case, I was pressed for time.

Finestone & Chan - Business & Investment Experts
Finestone & Chan - Business & Investment Experts offering financial planning, investment, taxation advice. I'm quite proud of the intermittently spinning F&C logo. It took a bit of tweaking before I got it the way I wanted it.
  Personal Websites
Jodeman's Homepage
Jodeman's Homepage.. a little corner of the Internet that I call my own. Up since Feb. 10, 1996, the site has since received over 20,000 registered visitors & many more un-registered. While a small number when compared to other sites, I haven't advertised this site in over a year. Created for fun back in 1995 after returning from a summer in Vancouver. While a bit hesitant to admit it, it was also a way to kill a lot of time as I was unemployed & not doing much at that time. Nowaday, updates are somewhat infrequent as I don't have much time to play around with my homepage. The main page isn't that popular. Most of the visitors come in via these more popular sections: Jodeman's Andres Galarraga Fanpage, Slug's NTN Corner, Jody's 1992 Chientan TraveLinks and ever since it was added to Yahoo!, the Montreal Wong Wun Sun Dragonboat Team Webpage has seen a large jump in the number of visitors.

Jodeman's SGI & Stuff
Links2Go Silicon Graphics Key Resource
Silicon Graphics
Jodeman's SGI & Stuff - This popular site was inspired by similar websites devoted to Silicon Graphics. Working as a technical manager at B&B Solutions, a company that sells mainly SGI equipment, I naturally had a LOT of bookmarks to SGI-related websites. On a whim one day, I took all my bookmarks & organized them into one large page for my personal SGI Links page. This large page was soon sorted, sectioned & later evolved into Jodeman's SGI & Stuff. I wanted to offer a site to the SGI users community to so they don't have to clutter their bookmarks with so many links & to offer new links to SGI-related websites that they may not have known about. I've received numerous compliments in regards to this website some of which I have quoted on the website. 06/2000, I was awarded as a Link2Go Silicon Graphics Key Resource.
Geocities Mirror Site | Mirror Site | B&B Solutions Inc. Mirror Site

Lasher's NTN Ruminations
Lasher's NTN Ruminations - Devoted to the popular networked game of NTN.

Wong's Dragon Boat Club
Wong's Dragon Boat Club - I've been a part of this dragonboat team since it's conception in 1997. What started out as just for fun has transformed into an obsession.. both the sport & this website alike!

  © 1999 Jody Wong. All trademarks, logos & product names mentioned or displayed herein are the property of their respective holders.