include file the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator
file the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include
the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include file

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the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include file

what does it do? The City Generator include file lets you create everything from a small town to an entire metropolis. Features of the file include:

the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include file

sure, but how does it look? Select an image for the full-size animation or still rendering:

An Arctic Village Morning has Broken In the Light of Day This Dusky Town Later that Night...

City Scape #1 City Scape #2 City Scape #3 City Scape #4 On the Waterline

the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include file

so where can i get it? Download CITY.ZIP (34 Kb) and extract it to a temporary directory. The file includes the City Generator include and macro files, full HTML documentation, default object files, and sample scenes and animations for you to render.

the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include file

any ideas for the future? One feature that has been suggested to me (and yes, I'm right on it!) is animating the city traffic. Otherwise, I'd like to try my own hand at creating object files for things like cobblestoned streets, or underwater cities, or ant-hills... More importantly, I'd love to see what sort of city object and macro files other people create - any takers?

the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include file the city generator include file

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