So you have your graphics and now you want to put them on your pages. You need html to do that. These are some "HTML for Beginners pages" that will tell you what you need to know to get started. It's for beginners, but I haven't really used any advanced html in any of my pages and some of them are really quite nice, so don't worry that I only offer the basics, it's all I think you will need for quite some time!

Gilpo's Page
Create it 101
The Graphics Station

Helpful Hints
  • You will have to upload your graphics to you Geocities File Manager. Need help doing that? Just go to your file manager and click on the browse button. Select the file(s) you want and then click upload files. If this doesn't work for you, you may need to use an FTP to upload your files. (click on FTP to read more about it!)
  • Your file name of your graphics are case sensitive, if its all caps use all caps and so on!
  • Too many graphics cause a page to be slow loading, watch out for this because it could get bothersome to some of your visitors.

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