Cool Links

Denny Kurien's Reject Zone Denny is an Indian-Born Kuwaiti who speaks with a British accent and denies it. He's a really cool guy, and has an extremely impressive homepage depicting in graphic detail the cruel torchures his High School imposed upon him.
Steve & Colette's Home Page Contains pictures of their Harleys and links to other Harley pages
Dax World Jason is a geek from DU.
Hawaii's Homepage Hawaii is a dude on my floor from Hawaii. His page is absolutely incredible.
Scott Vrshek's Hompeage Scott is a cruel, ruthless being who lives in Jason's hall. Why do you think he gave Denny Kurien the Evil Tree award? (and then Denny modified it)
Travis' Homepage Travis is one of my friends in the dorm. He's taking judo so don't screw with him!!!
Information Page Min-Hank Ho is one of Jason's friends from Tuscon. I've never met him, but he goes to MIT so he must be cool. He's got a homepage with... lots of information on it!
Nate's House Nate is another cruel, spiteful, bitter sophomore at The University of Denver... but he has a cool page!
Sparky's House of Madness Tyler is a friend from my high school back in Portland Oregon, and has a completely random homepage (and some excellent drawings).

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This page was last updated on 7-15-97
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