The Program

In this first project we are going to build a simple 4 function calculator using Delphi2.

Below is a view of the completed project.

The first thig to do is create a new project and then save it. I saved the project as PJcalc and the unit as Ucalc.

Next place the 19 Button components on the form and an Edit box then change the caption of each of the buttons in the Caption property of the Properties Dialog box also change the Font property to character size 10 and highlight Bold for the font style.

Next in the Name property rename the number buttons to reflect the number they contain for example the button containing 9 would be called Num9 the button contining 8 would be Num8 and so on.

Next change the Name property of the decimal point button to Decimal, the C button to Cancel, the C E button to CancelEntry, the % button to Percent, the Editbox to ReadOut, and each of the operator buttons ie (+ - x / =) to Operator1, Operator2 etc.. Change the Caption Property of Form1 to Calculator and we are now ready to start entering the source code.

First we need to enter some Global Variables, (global variables are variables that can be viewed and changed by any procedure in the program this is called the variables scope which will be covered in later tutorials) enter the following just bellow the {$R *.DFM} in the code generated by Delphi


op1, op2: Real;

Code, operator, decPoint: Integer;

s : string;

Next we will enter code for each of the number buttons, this is done by double clicking each buttons and then entering code into the source code. After you double click a button Delphi creates a procedure ready for you to enter your code into (between the begin and end markers) in each procedure enter the line below but substitute the 9 for what ever number is displayed on the button.

ReadOut.Text := ReadOut.Text + '9';

This line begins with the name we gave to the Editbox component (Readout) then a decimal point which means we are going to call one of the Editbox properties, then Text which is an Editbox Property which displays text in an Editbox, then := which means we are assigning the value that follows to Readout's Text property, the next part of the statement assigns the contents of the Editbox's Text property plus the character 9.

note: the reason for having ReadOut.Text in the second part of the statement is that each time we press a number key we want that number to be added to the number already contained in ReadOut's Text property eg if we want to enter 99 we would press the 9 button twice, but without the second ReadOut.Text statement each time we pressed 9 the Text property would be cleared and then 9 would be added to it).

Double click the Decimal point button and insert the following statements

if decPoint = 0 then

ReadOut.Text := ReadOut.Text + '.';

decPoint := 1;

The first line of code is using one of our Global variables to see if the decimal point key has been pressed while entering the current number, if we didn't use this check it would be posible to place more than 1 decimal point in a number. The next line is the same as the ReadOut.Text statement we used earlier but this time it prints a decimal point. The next line is another assignment statement and assigns 1 to our Global variable decPoint this means that if we press the decimal point key again the if statement at the begining of this code will look at the decPoint variable and as it now = 1 will not run the ReadOut.Text statement and return without displaying another decimal point.

The next keys to assign statements to are the operator keys as follows

the + key

Val(ReadOut.Text, op1, Code);


operator := 1;

decPoint := 0;

The first statement is to convert ReadOut.Text which is a string value to op1 which is an integer value (to find out what strings and integers are see the manual) the Code variable at the end of the statement is not used in this program but must still be added, ReadOut.Clear clears the ReadOut Editbox. The next statement operator := 1 assigns 1 to our global variable operator this tell the calculator to add the next number to the number already entered. The next statement decPoint := 0; sets the decPoint variable back to 0 this is because we now want to be able to enter another number which may include a decimal point.

note: we have now used decPoint in 2 procedures this is possible because it is a Global variable which as previously stated can be viewed and changed by any procedure.

the - key:

Val(ReadOut.Text, op1, Code);


operator := 2;

decPoint := 0;

These statement are the same as for the plus key except operator is set to 2 which tells the calculator to subtract the second number from the first.

the x key:

Val(ReadOut.Text, op1, Code);


operator := 3;

decPoint := 0;

Set operator to 3 multiply the first number by the second.

the / key:

Val(ReadOut.Text, op1, Code);


operator := 4;

decPoint := 0;

Set operator to 4 divide the first number by the second

the = key:

Val(ReadOut.Text, op2, Code);

if operator = 1 then

op1 := op1 + op2

else if operator = 2 then

op1 := op1 - op2

else if operator = 3 then

op1 := op1 * op2

else if operator = 4 then

op1 := op1 / op2;

Str(op1:2:2, s);

ReadOut.Text := s;

decPoint := 0;

First the Val statement assigns the value in ReadOut.Text to op2, then the If statement gets the value of operator if it's value isn't 1 it moves to the else if statement these 2 statements work in partnership together to check for more than one value (see the Delphi manual for more details), the Str statement converts an integer to a string the oposite of the Val statement the :2:2 tells Delphi to print the answer with a width of 2 and to 2 decimal places, the next statement assigns the string s which now contains the answer to ReadOut's Text property, decPoint := 0 sets decPoint so that we can print a decimal point again.

The final statement is for the C cancel key:


op1 := 0; op2 := 0;

decPoint := 0;

These statements clear the Editbox and set the Global variables to 0.

Thats all the statements completed you can now run the calculator and you should now have a working calculator well almost there are a couple of things still needed to make it work properly

1 We haven't assigned statements to the C E and % keys.

2 The Previous calculation dosen't clear when you start entering a new calculation so you need to press the C key.

These will be added shortly to the program.

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