Are you ready? The Capital Area Preparedness Site

Welcome to DCY2K! Well, it came and went and not much happened. Good. New Year's was much more fun without power outages. ;^)

Follow the Boy Scout Motto...

Be Prepared
Though the theme of this site was getting ready for Y2K, one thing bears repeating: You should be ready for anything!

Y2K came and went with barely any problems at all, there are other threats out there that pose a greater threat to you and your family. Hurricane Floyd is a perfect example.

It wasn't the winds that did the most damage, it was the water. The winds - while fierce - just last a few hours. Floodwaters stick around for days. Aside from the mud, floods also bring disease, contaminate water supplies and basically wipe out sewer and other sanitary systems. In short, a smelly sickening mess. Would you want to be in it?

Being prepared can mean the difference between being dry and being sorry.

The only Y2K-related problems I heard about were minor. For instance, one fellow ouside Albany, N.Y., was a day late returning a video to a local store. The store's computer assessed him a late fee of over $92,000! The solution? The manager zeroed out the late fee and wished him a happy New Year. I guess Y2K worked out well for that guy.

The recent blizzard only reinforces my sagely advice - be prepared for anything. I was caught short of beer and liquor (dammit) but I had plenty of everything else. Some of the better-prepared folks farther south who were left without power from the storms were sitting pretty. Check out this article from the Charlotte Observer.

Since Y2K doesn't seem to be much of an issue anymore, I'll soon rework the site into more of a general preparedness resource.

Here are some of the links from previous updates:

Enjoy the snow!

--Robert DeCavale

Site Design and Non-Animated Graphics by Alex Storey ©1999-2000
Comments? Suggestions? Additions? E-mail me!

Text by Robert DeCavale ©1999-2000
This site designed and maintained by Alex Storey ©1999

Anatomy of a Menace Who\'s Compliant? Recommended Reading Y2K, Preparedness Links Foreword Part I: Strategy Staying Put Leaving Town Materials Food & Water Heat, Fuel & Light Clothing Health & Hygiene About this Site E-mail DeCavale Site Design and Non-Animated Graphics by Alex Storey ©1999-2000