Why Mac ?
Macintosh PageSpinner

     This site is dedicated to the Mac. Why ? could you say. Because Apple computers and operating system are just ten times nicer than all this Wintel stuff. I love how my computer looks, I love how easy it is to use. Apple computers are some of these everlasting objects which I have been accustomed with, like my pencil or my bed.
     My first computer was an Apple ][. When I was a child, I spent hours in front of a big black screen, typing orders on a grey keyboard. I liked the sound the whole hardware made, when I turned the power on. Some games (which seemed amazingly beautiful to me at that time) happened to keep the major part of my attention until I was six.
     Apple ][ was great, but it was clear to me that it was only a machine. My first Macintosh seemed to be more than a machine. I can still remember the day when our Mac 512k came home. No colours, no hard disk; just a mouse and a single-sided floppy hardware. MacWrite, MacPaint, an empty floppy disk to save my texts and my drawings. I was just amazed; I couldn't believe there could be such a cool thing. Everything was brand new, but so clear. I knew at once how it worked. And I can say that I learnt how to write with this computer. It still works nowadays, with an external hard disk, 1 Mo RAM, and an external double-sided floppy hardware. Sometimes, I run some old stuff, like Shufflepuck Cafe or Dark Castle, which my new computer (a Power Macintosh G3 Blue and White) just ignore.
     I realized this whole site with my G3, using PageSpinner, Adobe Photoshop, Quicktime 4 and an external modem. I had fun making it; I don't know if the Wintel world could give me some much fun.
     The fact is that we represent less than ten percent of those who use a personal computer. Sometimes it's unpleasant to see how many softwares the Wintel users are offered, compared to us.
     But things are changing very fast. Since Steve Jobs has become interim CEO, thanks to the good choices of much-depreciated Gil Amelio, Apple is rising up. The computers are faster and cheaper than ever. With Mac OS X, Apple is comforting his fifteen year-old leadership in the operating system industry.
     With the tremendous success of the iMac and the iBook, Apple seems to be back on track. And since the company is used to get unpredictable successes, everything can happen in the future.

Need more evidence ? Download some articles and testimonials which will strengthen your new faith. They all are parts of the Apple Fanatic Kit and were provided by Pneuma.