HTML The Notepad Way!
A Beginner's Guide by Paolo M. Brion

My Credentials and My Crusade
Getting Started
Beginner Level (page 1)
Intermediate Level (page 2)
Advanced Level (page 3)
 Final Words (page 3)

The Basics:

Working With the Basic Page Structure:
text here

This is my first web page written in HTML

Paragraph One
Wow! I'm pretty good at this stuff! Anyone can learn to write web pages the notepad way with Paolo's web page tutorial!
Not bad huh? Hopefully you got the gist of it. It's perfectly O.K. if you had to look back to any of the previous sections to review the commands and what they do. You're not supposed to memorize all of them.
Ordered and Unordered Lists
These are numbered and unordered lists:

An example of an unordered list:
Stuff I Need to Do:

Which in HTML would look like:

<p>Stuff I Need to Do

The u an l in <ul> stand for unordered list and li just stands for list. When using <ul> always make sure to end it with its matching end command  </ul>. You can also compound unordered lists like so (note: make sure you match each <ul> with its </ul>):
<p>Stuff I Need to Do

which turns out like this:
Stuff I Need to Do:  
This is a ordered list:
Members of the Blue Team:
  1. Bobby
  2. Joey
  3. Paolo
Which looks like this in HTML:

<p>Members of the Blue Team:
As you can see the only differerence between the command for an unordered list and a ordered list is the use of <ol>, which stands for ordered list, rather than <ul>. Ordered lists can be compounded like unordered lists, but unlike unordered lists you can specify how the list is ordered with the type= sub command. For example if  you wanted the list to be written with roman numerals you would change <li> to <li type=i>, for lower case numerals or <li type=I> for upper case numerals. If you had wanted letters you would type <li type=a> for lower case and <li type==A> for capital letters. For example to redo the ordered list examples using capital letters the HTML would look like this:
<p>Members of the Blue Team:
<li type=A>Bobby
<li type=A>Joey
<li type=A>Paolo

(note you never use type=B or type=C etc., the HTML automatically changes the letters)
Images, Links, Sounds, and Tables
Inserting Images and Stuff
Well, now that we've learned how to add words to a web page how about some pretty pictures? It's really quite simple. The only tough part is deciding where to stick them and how to arrange them. The main command inserted into the body section of the HTML where-ever you want the image to appear is:
<img src="yourpic.gif">

As I mentioned before in the section on formatting the page in the body, the image can be in any format but gif and jpg are the most widely used on the internet cause of their relatively smaller sizes (for quicker downloads). The command is simple enough to remember. Just think of img as short for image and src as short for source. The sub commands control the image's positioning relative to the text or images next to it. These are used in this way:
<img src="yourpic.gif" height=93 width=125 align=bottom hspace=0 vspace=0 >
The hspace and vspace sub commands, if given values greater than 0, create an invisible border around the picture so that text or other images will stay a certain distance away from it. Kinda like indenting for pictures. The height, width, align, hspace, and vspace sub commands can be left out if you don't want to specify them, however a page actually loads faster if you specify how big a picture is with the height and width sub commands. This stems from the fact that since images usually take the longest to download text appears first on a web page. Therefore if you tell the browser beforehand how big it should anticipate the incoming image to be, it will layout the text to accommodate the picture before the picture actually downloads. Look at these examples of  image alignment and invisible borders:
align sub command set to "texttop"
align sub command set to "abscenter"
align sub command set to "center"
align sub command left out (default text alignment)
text aligned "absbottom"
align sub command set to "bottom"
align sub command set to "middle"
align sub command set to "top"

The align sub command set to "left" so it's on the left
and text goes around it.
The image also has an "invisible" border around it,
the settings for which are: hspace=10 and vspace=5.
This sentence that you are reading right now was
added so you can see how how a paragraph would
wrap around a picture like this one
(The picture is one of my 3D rendered gifs).
The align sub command set to "right" so it's
on the right and text goes around it.
The image also has the "invisible" border around it,
the settings for which are: hspace=10 and vspace=5.
The text next to this image has also been aligned "right"
using the paragraph layout command so you could
see how text wraps around an image aligned right.
This sentence that you are reading right now was added
so you can see how how a paragraph would wrap around
a picture like this one.
This is my first web page written in HTML with picture!

This image is aligned left and its height is set to 93 and width set to 125, it's natural height and width. You don't have to define its height and width but the web page will load faster if you do. If you want to display an image but have no idea what its natural width and height are, then its best not to define them. To find out what an image's natural height and width are use a graphics program to find its resolution or use a web page authoring program to layout the image. It should set the natural dimensions automatically. If you just want to stick a picture in between a couple of words like so: ..... you can do that too!



This image is just centered in the middle of the page using a paragraph layout command:

An Example of a Table with Three Rows and Two Columns
or here!
you can use an image as a background...... ...or just a color.
This particular part of the table (this rectangle) is called a "cell". Cells lined up horizontally to each other are called "rows".   
You can even stick an image in a cell like this!

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