About Us
Our Music
Kewl Stuff
Mail Us
 Welcome to the official Hereford Webpage in 2001!!  Sorry that I haven't updated this page for sooo long. Well, it's the new year and Christmas is gone for another year. Since it's holiday time, Im really should keep this page thoroughly updated. I'll see what I can do... Thanks for your patience.   -fREEZE dREAM

Well, our CD is finished and James has a CD burner so we can burn any extras we need. Anybody who wants a copy and lives in Adelaide, Australia(preferably) can e-mail us their request.

James(Ammojamo) is on holidays! He'll be back in two and a half weeks.

We've started work on our next project now. A demo which we will call "tRIG station". It'll include exquisite coding by James(Ammojamo) and a kickin' soundtrack by myself(fREEZE dREAM). Some of the graphical, mathematical effects that we hope to incorporate into the demo include:

* What I call "moving frame freezing *"

* Motion blur *

* Flickering/shimmering/blurring *

* 3D rooms with cool textures *

* 3D tunnels(some windy, some not) *

* Landscapes + trig station object(environment mapped) + clouds *

Our first ever CD, "Outside In EP" is finished and on sale right now.  It features 9 original tracks by Hereford and costs $8:00($AUD).  We will include 20 second clips of each track on our site to give you some idea of what our music sounds like. Sorry, I've actually updated the inside and outside covers but I haven't gotten around to putting them on yet.

Cover: "Outside InEP"
(View@597x512pixels - cover1.jpg 26KB)

If you have any comments/questions, feel free to type them in the box below: 

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