Santa Clara Valley Canary and Exotic Bird Club
Audio & Video Library

You must be a current member to check out material from the library.

Casette Tapes

  1. American Singers Chapter 6, Chicago Champions
  2. Roller Songs, Instructional

Compact Disc

  1. El Timbrado Espanol, El Gran Tenor (made in Spain)
    digital recording, 1995, includes separate note descriptions in Spanish

VHS Video Tapes

  1. El Timbrado Espanol, El Gran Tenor (made in Spain)
    Professional video all about the Spanish Timbrado Canary, narrated in Spanish, includes professional quality song recordings
  2. Spirits of the Rain Forest (PBS Nature about parrots, 1 hour)
  3. National Geographic's Parrot Fashion; several parrot "shorts"
  4. National Geographic's Parrot Smuggling (1 hour?)
  5. Dr. Tanzella (1 ¼ hour) (club program taped on ?) Topics: psittacine beak & feather disease polyoma virus feather plucking
  6. NFSS World of Finches & Softbills
  7. Bird Training Tape (Parrots)
  8. Canary Breeding by Jessie Durkin (1 ½ hours)
  9. Basic Training (of American Singer canaries for show) by Jessie Durkin (1 hour?)
  10. American Singers by Ginger Wolnik (SCVCEBC program taped on October 10, 1993)
  11. American Singers by Ginger Wolnik (Central Coast Avian Society program taped on January 18, 1995)
  12. Canary and Finch Bacteria and Viruses by Dr. Govers (club program taped ?)
  13. Preparing for the Show by Glenn Corlew (club program taped Sept 12, 1993)
  14. Oakland International Roller Canary Club (OIRCC) song contest December 1991
  15. Local television news segment on club member Cathie Dearborn's canaries (about 5 minutes long)
  16. First Annual All Stafford Canary Breeders Show (2 tapes)
    "From the judge's eye - what is lacking, how to improve it"
    "Best Crest & Best non-Crest Staffords"
  17. KTEH PetPourri, guest Ginger Wolnik on canaries, broadcast live on December 27, 2000.
Last Updated on April 29, 2002

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