home mac pc geocities

Requires ResEdit. An Fkey to change resources on the Fly.

Erases the Data Forks of some files. [ALT]

An extension to fool ResEdit into editing the Data Forks of Files. [ALT]

MasterLockSmith v1.0a3 (212K)
Helps you break the combination of Master Locks. [ALT]

MasterLockSmith Algorithm (2K).
A document detailing the algorithm used in making the above program.

KillerCracker v8
A port of Killer Cracker v.8. Pretty good interface. Requires an
68020 or better to run. [ALT]

A port of Killer Cracker v.7. Lousy interface, but it works.

A password checking program. [ALT]

MacKrack v2.01b1
A port of Crack 4.1. Very well done. PPC and 68000 included. [ALT]

This is a tiny extension that reinstalls the current debugger
every 1/10 of a second. [ALT]

Will compare two resources and find the diffrences.
Great utility for making your own patches. [ALT]

Does everything you always wanted to do with ResEdit but couldn't.

Includes Repersonalize, Butt Trumpet,
Forker, Incognito, Anonymity, Soft Lock,
Seek & Destroy III, ResEdit Game Cracks.

Resource comparison and patching utility

Chainsaw Vigilante
I have no idea what this is? (27k)