More information on the Uighur language and people.

Uighur Supplements to the Perso-Arabic script
Letters Transliteration Pronunciation
ng nasal N, close to French bon or élan
v V
a long A, close to A in father
ä short A, close to bad
o long O, as in German Tod
u short U, as in put
ö close to vowel in French peu
ü long yu sound in
the French putain
e short E in bet
i short I in bit


The Uighur Vowels

Unlike Arabic, Persian, Pashto or Urdu, every single vowel in Uighur is unambiguously written.I

In Uighur, the independent forms of letters representing the vowels are conjuncts of three elements: yaa + hamza + vowel. The vowels at the beginning of a word must always take the conjunct form, but elsewhere, only the vowel element of the conjunct is written, and the standard Arabic rules of ligatures are followed.

Vowel Conjunct Elements   Examples
= a (abzas), (opera)
= ä (älvättä)
= o (opera), (pälto)
= u (uchush)
= ö (ölüm), (börä)
= ü (ümid), (ölüm)
= e (elektr)
= i (ikki)

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