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Sign My Guestbook, Darling!

Hi! It's been a long time. Not much going on around here. Um. My life is spiraling out of control but what else is new? If you're reading this, then leave me a sign the guestbook.

What's funny is, I actually owned this game. It's probably still at my parents' house as a matter of fact. Come to think of it, I should really get that Nintendo and all those games from them...Playstation 2, X Box and all that craziness is a little out of my league at the moment.

"I patterned myself after this woman that was the town tramp back home. She had blond hair and high heels and red fingernailsand lips, and to me she was like what movie stars were to other kids. We'd see her, and I'd say, "Oh, look, she's got plastic goldfish in her heels!" and my mama would say, "She ain't nothin' but trash, nothin' but trash," and I thought, "Ooh, that's what I'm gonna be when I grow up -- trash!" --Dolly Parton

Pessimism is informed optimism.

Supposedly, Isaac Newton had a horeshoe that hung over his door for good luck. When asked, “Do you really believe in that?” he replied, “No, but I hear it works anyway.”

from Breath, Eyes, Memory by Edwige Danticat
"She told me about a group of people in Guinea who carry the sky on their heads. They are the people of Creation. Strong, tall, and mighty people who can bear anything. Their Maker, she said, gives them the sky to carry because they are so strong. These people do not know who they are, but if you see a lot of trouble in your life, it is because you were chosen to carry part of the sky on your head."

Oh, to be a kid again.

Sign Me Up Darling, The Guestbook!