the goods: bush

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In the interests of full disclosure, designs by this site's Alleged Staff are noted with.

Ginsburg's dissent

Ruth Bader Ginsburg's dissent
Impeach Karl Rove

Impeach Karl Rove! 
no elephants

no elephants
No W

No W
mad cowboy disease

Stop Mad Cowboy Disease
the Fascist party

the Fascist Party

more... and more...


Last modified 13th March 2003.

This website is the independent creation of a somewhat deranged mind and is not affiliated with any known political organization, real or imaginary, although said deranged mind does tend to vote Democratic. No actual harm is intended to Mr. Bush; we only want to poke a bit of fun at him. The proprietor of this site does not necessarily endorse any organizations appearing herein, and no such approval should be inferred by their appearance. If the Attorney General calls, I'm not here...

contact the Shy Democrat