Hello, I am Shiree, and I suffer with a illness called
HIdradenitis Suppurativa  Click here for explanation
Reflections  must start by accepting yourself as you are.
I'm not put  here for you to judge me
least you withstand my judgment.
I'm not here to be disliked because of
my race, my weight, my sex, my disease
least you be told what is found wanting in yourself.
If You love me as I am,
I can only return the
love in kind.
We all need to be touched and to be loved.

If you get too close will you like what you see.  When the camera came closer I saw what I thought was impossible to be me.
How many times do you think angels look down upon us only to be disappointed by the destruction they see.
I often wonder is my guardian angel is disappointed in me.
If eyes are truly a mirror to the soul
what pray tell do my eyes say?

Look into my eyes Can you really see the mirror of one's soul by looking into their eyes?
If so, sign my guest book and tell me what you see.

Only the thoughts of someone special can put this look on a woman's face
Do you have the qualities inside you to invoke such thoughts?
Wouldn't  it be wonderful if our lives were  like a book
when our life become sad
or scary we could just turn the page
better yet,
we could just
exchange it for a better one.
Through the essence of life we travel in the expansion of a bubble in time.
If you think about it
bubbles are beautiful to look at
but the bubble can burst at
any time.
Sometimes life seems to be caught up in a whirlpool of dreams, you begin to wonder if you will ever wake up.
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