



About Me


L i n k s

These are just a collection of useful or interesting links, in no particular order that I put together. If you be so kind, I would appreciate knowing if any of them are broken. Thanks.
A great many of these will be links in the general reference vein. In my humble opinion, that is one of the greatest uses for the internet.

These are all set for Saint Louis.

Weather Underground
Weather Underground's site is full of useful information. For a modest fee you can become a member and get the ad free version which is less cluttered and has several extra features.
UPDATE: I was on this page this morning and noticed that they have pop-ups. I apologize to everyone. I use the Mozilla browser which has several advanced features. One of which is pop-up blocking. 9/15/04

National Weather Service
The National Weather Service has a great collection of useful tools. Their radars are excellent. And best of all, the whole thing is free.

I had a hard time choosing which page to link to on this site. I finally chose the list of different weather maps. I feel that this is their strong suit. I would like to caution that this is a commercial site. They offer a ton of free information but they try to sell you other services. The site is also fraught with pop-ups.

Phone and mail information

This is a great way to find business or personal phone numbers. It provides phone numbers and address for a name. It can also look up a name for a phone number.

Area Codes
This is a complete list of every area code in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles but it does have the info.

With Ben Fry's handy little Javascript you can find out which part of the U.S. a zipcode describes. It doesn't work the other way around, though. But who cares, it's damn cool.

United States Postal Service
In case you needed to find the zip code for a particular address, here is the way to do it.

These are one of a kind items.

World Wide Metric
A nice and easy collection of metric/standard conversion tools.