



About Me


W e l c o m e

Hi All,

     Welcome to my new vanity page. Anyone who has been here before may notice that it is quite a bit different. The reason for that is because I have been teaching myself to hand code html and put this page together, from scratch.

     I have attempted to make this page as accessible as possible. I have used as much basic html as possible. It is hand coded to avoid accidentally incorporating features that are specific to a particular html editor. I have tested it on several different browsers and machines (for a full list click here).
-September 1, 2003

     Once again, I have reworked my page. The appearance hasn't changed much at all, but the code is much cleaner. I am slowly implementing improved code and attempting to meet XHTML standards. Of course, with each major update, I have to retest the page.
-January 27, 2004

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