The Horrors of Using a Shimadzu GC/MS

....force Shimadzu to show you their hand!

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The following email message was received by us on 25 March 1998:

From: identity withheld
Subject: Shimadzu GC-MS

"We are looking at a Shimadzu GC/MS. Do you have any history [info] with this product?"

First and foremost, there is an extensive product history available from Shimadzu but they probably won't volunteer this information. A former Shimadzu GC/MS product specialist created and maintained an exhaustive user's list of every account which purchased/leased a Shimadzu GC/MS system (aka QP-5000). This database was very complete and included specific comments (both positive and negative) about the respective GC/MS system at each customer's site. Before buying anything, ask for a complete uncensured copy of this detailed user's list.

Second, if Shimadzu states they have no such list.... call their bluff and tell them they are LYING AGAIN! Don't let Shimadzu give you a selective list of the references that they want you to check out either.... insist on a current unadulterated copy of the complete list which contains the names, addresses, comments and contact information for all users. If Shimadzu won't supply it.... just walk away and don't look back!

Third, the Class 5000 software which drives the Shimadzu QP-5000 is not very user friendly nor is it intuitive. The learning curve associated with this software product will not fit on a standard sheet of graph paper even when printed in the landscape orientation! Don't bother requesting a demo copy of this software program either.... spend your time contacting the competition instead!

Lastly, please consider the candid comments of several researchers who have voiced robust opinions about the Shimadzu GC and GC/MS systems. Many of these astute observations have been posted in various usenet groups on the internet which can be accessed via the domain
(choose the Power Search hyperlink, and search for "Shimadzu GC/MS," then click on "complete archive".... this will pull up most but not all that has been posted in various newsgroups since 1995 (see nota bene below)).

Some of the more notable comments include:

"I have heard a lot of second hand stories on the horrors of using the Shimadzu [GC/MS]."

"....Shimadzu manufactures mass spectrometers of questionable value"

n.b. Shimadzu will entice you with a cheap price for a benchtop GC/MS system. But remember that you will ultimately get what you pay for and nothing more! If you make the wrong choice.... don't be surprised with the disappointment that's bound to accompany your GC/MS purchase!

n.b. Integral to the operation of a Shimadzu QP-5000 is a GC-17A gas chromatograph. Another user recommended the tossing of the Shimadzu GC-14A gas chromatograph based on his experience. One should note that the Shimadzu GC-17A (which has already appeared in three versions thus far) was the next commercial product introduction by Shimadzu after the GC-14A. One has to wonder if it took three different versions before Shimadzu finally got it right? Will there be a fourth.... only Shimadzu knows!

n.b. The ability to view some of the threads (i.e. related user comments) in the sci.chem and sci.chem.analytical newsgroups at regarding disparaging information about Shimadzu is subject to change it would seem! We have to wonder who would benefit from the removal of derogatory information from the world wide web. Is it possible that Shimadzu had anything whatsoever to do with this unsettling revelation? The only organization that would probably benefit or profit from this amazing action is Shimadzu.... think about it! Is this a company that can or should be trusted with your business?

n.b. Shimadzu tried desperately to keep the information on our homepage from your prying eyes.... read all about Shimadzu's censuring efforts! If Shimadzu was unable to quash our 1st Amendment rights, is it possible that Shimadzu is out and about censuring other unflattering stories which appear on the world wide web???


Expect Less Value and More Disappointment from Shimadzu

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