Final Fantasy X Walkthrough

1.2 The door to the 1000-later-world

Auron and Tidus tried to escaped from the monster crowd through the event of the explosion. But while they were escaping, the floor suddenly collapsed. Tidus slipped and barely just got hold of the edge of the collapsed platform. He was nearly fallen on the ground from many feet above.

'Auron! Auron! Please help me! Pull me up!' yelled Tidus, trembling.

Auron walked back slowly and calmly, it seemed that Auron had no intention to help Tidus. But he then gave a hand to Tidus and pulled him strongly and said, 'This story does not belong to anybody else, it belongs to you!' Then the two disappeared from the night.         

Tidus was alone, floating on the air. He saw a child standing on a platform (At this moment the player should press the X button consecutively to land Tidus). When he went closer to the boy. Tidus noticed that the child resembled his childhood. The boy was Tidus!

'I remembered many things. But...what has done to me now? Where am I?' Tidus said to the boy. Suddenly the vision turned white. Tidus gradually lost his consciousness and fainted. Everything was just like a dream...

'I thought that I was dreaming...There's no body else in the dream except me. It is a memorable dream indeed...' Tidus murmured to himself.

~To Be Continued~

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