~*MsN nAmEs*~              ~*aLl aBouT mE*~      ~*fReE RiNgTonEz*~ (updated!!)

~*My FaVe tHiNgS!*~        ~*HoMeR siMpSon QuOteS*~     ~*bUbBLe wrAp*~  

~*bUmPeR sTiCkeRs*~                  ~*gEorGe bUsh - wot a StOoGe!*~

~*KoOl SmSs*~                ~*TeXt PiCs*~               ~*dUmB aSs LaBeLs*~

~*sPeaK cHinEse in 10Mins*~           ~*Sik ForWarDs*~      ~*cHeCk dEsE sOnGs!*~      

NEW STUFF - ~*FAT PIZZA QUOTES*~     ~*LeSsOnS - HoW 2 b A tRu HaBib*~            
~*WinDowS 4 eThNicS*~     ~*MsN diSpLaY piCs*~

this sites still under construction! ; )
Hey ppl, ahlan wa sahlan!!

Well, i gotta say ive been pretty slack lately, but i have recently updated sum stuff n organising the msn names into categories!  Wow, thanks so much 4 the guestbook entries! im getting at least one per day which is great, but ive had 2 delete sum cos the guestbook iz full but i will put another one in. 

yullah bye 4 now, keep da posts coming