Hullo and welcome. well I`ve no idea why you`ve come here, rather than going through the actual links I have advertised around the web but I gues you`re just stubborn like hat. So follow the links to see what you SHOULD be seeing

Hullo and welcome. You shouldn`t really be here.... you should be at the Arolos sites I`ve buit. Which would really have been easier for you in my view. But then -hey? Whop listens to me? So... follow the links below...

Links to other sites on the Web

The Arolos Party
Dictionary of Pern words
Hydrogen - a better fuel
Basic Pern - What you need to know
RPGs - good for you, good for your country

So there we are - an I still think it would have been easier for you to just follow the search engines links. So what`re you waiting for? Go see!

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