The Sabra and Shatila Massacre
On the morning of Saturday, September 18th, 1982, reporters entering the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila near Beirut, Lebanon, were met with a ghastly sight. Piles of bodies littered the dusty streets of the camps, mass graves had been hastily contructed and buildings had been bulldozed over corpses. The slaughtered were old men, women, and children. A massacre had taken place here. The Red Cross esimated the death toll to be between 800 and 1,000 people.

What had happened here? What could have provoked this type of inhuman slaughter? Who did this?

These were the questions that punctuated the silence of the morning after the killing stopped. These questions are still asked today, nearly two decades after the events had transpired. It is the purpose of this Website to explore the history of the regional conflicts and the immediate events that preceded the massacre and ultimately culminated in the killing of hundreds of civilians. Furthermore, the site offers contrasting opinions and descriptions of the massacre itself as well as the issues surrounding it. This site was not written in the hope of finding definitive answers to these questions, but to offer differing perspectives and informational resources in order to form an informed opinion on what remains one of the greatest human tragedies of the twentieth century...
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