Michael Mulligan
Journal 2

Journal 2-The Human Condition

In this section, we discussed the human condition. The human condition means the qualities and experiences we all have and undergo as a part of being human in our world. The Catholic church teaches that we all are born with original sin,referring to the effect of this sin that is our human condition. The human condition has many different parts the most important are the underlying desire for happiness and mortality. The point of our study of the human condition was to understand how it effects our choices, actions, and thoughts, and what we can do to limit the negative aspects of it.

The Problem of Evil: The problem of evil is based on four points expressed best by C.S Leis. The first is that if God exists, then he wants his creatures to be happy, the second is that God is all powerful, he can do whatever he wants, the third is that the creatures are not all happy (evil exists),and the fourth is that God lacks either goodness or power or both. problem is that if you confirm any three, you must deny the fourth. Because if God is omnipotent and omnibenevolent then evil shouldn't exist, therefore if God is all powerful then God must not be all good because he allows evil to exist. If evil exists and God is all good then He must not be all powereful. This is the problem of evil.

Scott M. Peck’s “Maps”: The article written by Peck pertains to his theory about “maps” to life.; These maps determine our worldview, our actions, and our beliefs. They are formed when we are very young and are created to fit the situation at the time. Besides interpreting reality, our maps are shaped by our reality to shield us from things we would rather not confront.Transference is when we take a map succesful and perfect for a childhood situation, and transfer it to our adult life, even though it may no longer be suitable for the situations we find ourselves in. The reason transference exists is because we do not like to alter a succesful map that has served us well in the past, and will often fight and expend more energy to preserve the outdated map, rather than accept new truths that enter our lives. This is why in many adults transference causes harmful relationships with spouses and friends. Maps determin our lives and affect almost everything we do, but the transference of our maps is part of the human condition.

Concupiscence: Concupiscence is one of the aspects of human condition and is also a product of original sin. Concupiscence is knowing something is wrong, admitting to yourself that it would be harmful to do it, but continueing to do it despite that. Concupiscence is one of the more difficult to control aspects of the human control,as it stems from a desire to be happy, something that we all desire. THe key to controlling it is understanding that this happiness is nothing more than instant gratification, lasting only a short time and in the end harming us more than helping. We are all guilty of concupiscence and all suffer from this aspect of the human condition that is so difficult to get rid of.

The Pact of Judas The Web Gallery of Art

Question of the Section: The question was raised during class whether or not Judas was a "good guy" or a "bad guy" and whether he went to hell. I feel that answer is neither, and that Judas is partly a victim of circumstance, and partly a victim of his human condition. I don't think he went to hell, because I believe God is omnibenevolent and therefore since Judas repents, God would forgive him and not send him to hell.