Sharon's Sins

Sharon's Sins

Sharon Sins...Again

Sharon Sins...Down Under

The author's Historical Gypsy book website

Welcome to Sharon's website

Sharon's Sins books are thrilling, original, exciting, action-packed, satirical, passionate, venomous, naughty and titillating.

Sharon, a sexy, free-spirited young woman with a murderous past, meets and falls in love with Frank Tyler, the high priest of a church sect called "The Followers of the Holy Light". Frank, a man of power and prestige, is mesmerized by this beautiful woman's wild and untamed nature. As their relationship grows, Sharon discovers that Frank possesses something from her past that inexorably links them together. Sharon's sins come back to haunt her, turning Frank's life upside down. He's never met a woman like Sharon...ever.

"Sharon takes care of the problems at hand... and fast. Sharon's Sins is like a breath of fresh air, or rather... more like a hurricane at full blast."

The Barnet Press

A black comedy, horror romance with unexpected twists and gruesome murders.

No need to read about the same old things like whinging Wendy having problems and never doing anything about them, or moaning Mona getting kicked and knocked about in her relationships and never knowing why, because... Sharon is here. Sharon isn't like those lot at all.

Go on, read them and see for yourself...There are 3 titles in the Sharon's Sins series. Click on one of the links to read excerpts from the book.

This site is © Copyright Yvonne Slee 2004-2007, All Rights Reserved.

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